since ‎2014-08-24

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  • 329 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
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Hi there, With which setting do I achive this story-view of my doorframe in the wall?So I've got a wallopening of 1016 mm. and a doorframe of 1034 mm. Greetings
Hi there,I've modelled my own landing stair and want to use it as object. So I saved it as object and as MEP part.But in the ground floor and first floor the view of the stair is the same.The one on the left is saved as object, the one on the right a...
Hi there, Is it possible to let objects rotate with the orientation.When I now change the orientation my objects are upside down.Greetings
Hi All,I'm curious what the experiences are with the 3DConnexion SpaceMouse and how Archicad and the 3DConnexion SpaceMouse are getting along at the moment.
Hello, I've made multiple layouts on A3 with my window elements.Is it possible to give every page a number?
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