since ‎2019-02-02

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  • 29 Posts
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Estagiário(a) de arquitetura Rio de Janeiro, trabalho híbrido. Interessados(as) devem enviar currículo e portfólio para
Acredito que tenha encontrado um bug no Archicad 26 BRA solo build 4020. Ao usar um rótulo de propriedade e usar um campo de propriedade o alinhamento do texto deixa de funcionar corretamente e o texto fica sempre alinhado à esquerda. Eu uso esses ró...
I'm having a problem with my surface exposed area schedules. Many projects I work on have ceiling gyps under the actual concrete ceiling. This means that this portion of the wall surface area above the gyp should no be included in the schedule. The i...
Hello everyone! I'm new to GDL and i'm working on a simple object that consist in a 2D symbol.The idea is to have a circle with a letter in it. I'd love to make the letter always horizontal, but always inside the circle. I guess I should move the rot...
Hey guys, this is the first GDL object I've made and it pretty much worked fine, except for this thing: I need this 3d object to have a specific 2d representation(it the object to represent electrical fixtures in the plan view), in which each part of...