since ‎2023-10-20

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  • 5 Posts
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This issue is driving me crazy and I don't know if there is even a solution to it.What I am trying to do: Say you have your GIS 2D map with all your roads, grasslands, water and other features and everything is neatly combined in groups. I want to ma...
It would be great if Graphisoft adds a skill assessment on Linedin for Archicad. Some might find it a redundant feature but since it exists I think it can boost the confidence and visibility of potential job candidates! Revit has one so why not Archi...
Hi everyone!I am trying to project a line on an uneven surfice morph in order to seperate it from the rest. I want to have a different collor for each segment. In Sketchup the command is project/drop (see screenshot). I can't seem to find a similar o...
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