For the past 13 years the only addon outside what our local reseller provides we've used was ArchiGlazing in AC9 and AC10. It seems to me that a lot of the things cadimage provides can be achieved using the standard tools. They might take a bit longer sometimes, but they also update effortlessly from version to version.
We can just grab an old project and the only real conversion that might take place is some attributes if it was made before the introduction of building materials.
I find the 'new' stair tool from ArchiCAD to have too many bells and whistles to get something 'sort of good' out quickly. Especially for stairs with bends I feel like I'm endlessly adjusting things to get something to contrain to a fixed size. Not sure what the cadimage stair tool is like. Stairmaker, for all it's flaws, allowed to very quickly get some sort of stair in there and with solide element operations where needed could provide good enough model for documentation at the end of the project.
Maybe have a go without cadimage, see if you feel like you are missing things and only get the tools you are missing.
For sidings we use complex profiles.
For roof coverings we use textures to keep the polycount low.
For framing a combination of the beams and collums and the library parts.
Erwin Edel, Project Lead, Leloup Architecten
www.leloup.nlArchiCAD 9-26NED FULL
Windows 10 Pro
Adobe Design Premium CS5