11:24 AM
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08:38 AM
Laszlo Nagy
Line weight issue where window is adjacent to column. Wall and column are both of same concrete material. Instead of thin black line, it should show red thick line similar to column cut line at marked rectangles.
Please refer attached screenshot of plan view and PLN file.
I know about a solution where you can bring the wall forward in plan view, but it causes another problem. Things like notes, grid lines, section lines, or dimension lines will get covered under the wall. So, moving the wall forward isn't the best solution.
Also, if we change the wall material to have a lower priority than concrete, it fixes the problem. But then, the joint between the column and wall won't look neat, as they'll both be made of concrete.
Please let me know if there is any appropriate solution without creating other issues.
Operating system used: Windows 10
2024-06-05 11:00 AM
Just send the Columns to Background.
2024-06-05 05:36 PM
Hi @amitchristian,
I downloaded your file, It shows you only need to duplicate the RC BM changing its priority to be higher than RC BM for wall, without changing the display order.
2024-06-12 09:26 AM
Thank you very much for your response. However, as I mentioned in my original post, sending the column back would introduce another issue, such as the floor line appearing on top of the column. Similarly, sending the floor back would reveal elements below the floor. Therefore, I am seeking a solution where the need to bring to front or send to back can be avoided.
Additionally, creating a new material with different intersection priority will not result in a clean joint between the column and the wall. Both are made of concrete and should display a clean joint.
2024-06-12 09:35 AM
I can split the wall for the portion coming between the column and change the material of that portion only, but that solution also becomes difficult to manage when there are any design changes. Furthermore, solutions such as using different materials for the wall and column, and adjusting the display order (bring to front and send to back) introduce additional problems and are not ideal. With the design constantly evolving and multiple users working in the same project file, it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain a clean model and sheet views if such solutions are applied.
09:53 AM
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12:35 PM
Laszlo Nagy
Hi amitchristian,
see attach, i thing this is the solution you are looking for.
2024-06-12 10:11 AM
2024-06-12 10:30 AM
I think the problem with the line weight (thickness) is because the thickness is equal on both side of the centre of the line.
The window gets the pen information from the wall.
Without a column, it will be fine.
You then place the column and it is clever enough to know that it should not show the perimeter line where it crosses the wall.
But your window is showing the wall line at the end.
As the column is in front, the fill of the column, which has no perimeter line and goes to the centre of what would be the perimeter line, covers half of the line of the window.
As some have suggested, send the column display backwards.
But then as you have said, this causes other display issues.
What if you bring the wall forward?
Unfortunately doors and windows have no display order available to them.
I have always said that I think the line thickness should be to one side of the centre line to avoid this problem.
Like a wall has a reference line.
This may be difficult to control as you would have to be explicit in how every line is drawn or scripted in an object.
2024-06-12 11:17 AM
Yes it's a long term problem that almost all CAD software are drawing line thickness equally on both side of lines.
I always wish that Hand drawing rules could be set like when drawing the cut lines of elements line thickness will automatically be applied inside the element thickness or inside the contour surface for the contour line. For 2D lines an option like for Wall reference line could be added.
In addition to the actual semi circular one, it will be necessary for graphical drawing quality to enable other line end options and line end intersections like straight ends as they exist in PDF format.