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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

Collaboration with other software
About model and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG-based exchange, etc.

Data calculation too difficult !

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We think the bad thing in AC in all releases is the" face" "Quantity, Cost estimate, technical specifications" !
The Data Project Calculation is abstract complicated fuzzy and particularly indigestible !
Here frankly, we have many problems ! Often we wonder why we tire ourselves to build beautiful 3d models , because we think this part of our favorite software, would need serious lifting !
GS should be wary because one day, it could maliciously loose its peace on the market by neglecting this complete side of our work!
First, in documentation, GS develop various ancient concepts ; lists of elements, components, zones, ID management , adjustments recorded in a default folder named "IS_settings", Auto ID increase, nomenclature of openings with fields thicknesses, "pl-fill", "pl_txt_null", "pl _ num_null(df), pl_txt . That's an old world ! In short we find nothing very demonstrative for helping us in our architects practices (also for our professional quantity surveyor ) !
Generally we need a simple cubage, an area, a perimeter or linear of 3D entities to which one needs to affect a simple multiplying coefficient to have the summary cost in different batchs, and that in an ergonomic way. That's all we need ! A simple filter through the materiel would be also enough in many case !
Here it's too difficult to manipulate !
Id user of the wall 012 or 013 in breeze blocks in the layer " walls external" of story X, are sympathetic but if we just want quickly a beautiful list table with the quantity of materiel (the unit in m2, m3 or m has), a code possibly, a designation and a field to put a price and have a total cost by batch to diffuse for constructional works contracts, that's not really easy! Of course we know that we can do it, but we spend too many time and much energy for generate a simple multiplication and a total sum by batch?
As for the possibilities of page-setting, they are ridiculous and noncompetitive for our agencies.

For us, we are far but very very far from what we hope to find for one of the most expensive software for the CAD building in Europe !....
Moreover we notice that no simple and concrete case of Quantity and cost report as a "commonplace house" for example is studied in the handbooks!
We are many users to say that in Europe, and always claim the same things.
For the drawings part, we are very satisfied, and we think it is one of best one CAD system !
Best regards
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Masse wrote:
...Some times ago I wrote that the menu calculation was too difficult.
Many users were incapable to use it correctly because there was nothing in the official documentation. No concrete case was processed...

...Eric Wilk wrote a new book...

The English version is not printed yet but pre-orders are opened...
This is really good news Can you or Erik please place a notice in the AD section of ArchiCAD-Talk when the English version is available?

It would also be really nice if we could get an "inside look" at some of the content.

Dan K
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Hello Dan
Here are the only information which I have

Best regards

Table of contents

* 1-Introduction
* 2-The various stages in the production of a summary description, of a quantity estimate and of an estimate in ArchiCAD
* 3-Creation of the database
* 4-Creation of the properties
* 5-Individual assignment of the properties
* 6-Automatic assignment of the properties
* 7-Creation of a property in a program library object
* 8-Creation of components in a program library object with a GDL script
* 9-Link of a database component in a program library object with a GDL script
* 10-The summary description
* 11-Summary
* 12-The lists
* 13-Which list to use, or which list to create?
* 14-How to produce a proper quantity survey?
* 15-Analysis of the database “components”
* 16-Creation of the object comprising the manual settings
* 17-Creation of the property “wall”
* 18-Creation of the object “wall end"
* 19-Creation of the property “column”
* 20-Creation of the property “beam”
* 21-Creation of the property “slab”
* 22-Creation of the properties Roofmaker
* 23-Creation of the property “roof”
* 24-Creation of the property "fill"
* 25-Creation of the library elements “window”
* 26-Creation of the library elements “door”
* 27-Creation of the library elements skylight”
* 28-Creation of the library elements “objects”
* 29-Creation of the library elements “stair”
* 30 - Creation of a zone
* 31 - Use and modification of the bill of quantities

* Appendix 1 – Syntax of the List Templates
* Appendix 2 – Syntax of the main GDL functions used in this book
* Appendix 3 – The list global variables

Product Details

* Paperback: 352 pages
* Publisher: FC-CadLink (Nov 2006)
* Language: English
* ISBN 10: 2-9527670-1-7
* ISBN 13: 978-2-9527670-1-9
* Dimensions (in cm): 16 X 2 X 24
Not applicable
This is the best news I've heard in weeks! (aside from my upcoming vacation )
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Any news on the book? Still no info on the web site and November has passed quite some time ago...
MBPro Retina 2.7i7/16GB/SSD
AC ...20/21
MarinRacic wrote:
Any news on the book? Still no info on the web site and November has passed quite some time ago...
I Think this book was released see the below links

But I would like to now more info from any one who already purchased this book.

Can someone post a little review on this book? please
ArchiCAD Service
ArchiCAD since v9 to latest
Mac, Windows 11
Not applicable

The french version of the book is release since the 6th december.

The english version is not already release, i will give you the release date when I will precisely know it.

This book give you the key to do your own quantity estimate and description with ArchiCAD and Excel, by using components property and how really personnalize it.

Sory for my bad english.
Not applicable
The release date for the English version will be the 20th January.

PS : And is available now since few days Here.