archiCAD 8.1 seems to lose track of translator file paths from time to time (i've noticed this on several occasions usually around an upgrade or patch being applied, or if the translators reside on a network volume and connection has been lost at some point.)
what happens is that archiCAD then substitutes a translator that it
find, even though the name of the translator in the publisher is still called the one that you want to use.
i don't usually check outgoing DWG files anymore - i'm pretty confident now of the content being OK, so it' only our consultants that alert me to the fact they're getting strange layers/pens/etc! sometimes i do catch it by watching the file sizes created in the publisher - i've set up a translator that keeps the files to an absolute minimum and any file size over 300k catches my attention.
the only way i've found to correct it is to firstly check that the file paths for the translators are intact (in archiCAD: Tools>Dwg Translation Set-Up), and then create the publishing set again.
there is other strange behaviour i've noticed with the translator files: when the above has happened and they are stated as 'missing' from the list, trying to re-import them causes archiCAD to display an alert that says the XML file is incompatible or something-or-other. after quitting archiCAD and trying again all is well. it's a kind of hit and miss thing.
i'm trying to establish more of a pattern to be able to report it with more of a chance of GS finding and fixing it. anybody else seeing this? let's see if we can find out what's causing it . . .
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b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
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