on AC12, I selected only some windows but IDs got affected event to those non selected ?
I want to affect the same ID to "some" windows with the same type ( with lenght)
Here is a step by step of what I've done ?
1- go to the 3d window
2-select all the windows
3- deselect the windows that I don't want an ID to be affexted on ( wallniche/empty ones) and delete any ID on the option windows.
4- I've saved the selection with the selection palette to call them back if necessary
5- select the widows throw the selection palette
6- Open the ID manager
7-Sort element: windows as type
8- ( width / lenght ) as criteria.
9- Set same ID by criteria
10- Id format choose the last two columns (1/TEXT/W _ 2/Counter/01 )
11-click on change ID....
AC12_27 |Win11_64bit|