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About Archicad's documenting tools, views, model filtering, layouts, publishing, etc.

Construction documentation of custom made furniture and casework

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we are evaluating usage of ArchiCAD in our small Interior Design studio. One of the topics, which i didn't find proper answer for, is creating construction documentation of custom made pieces of furniture and casework such as coffee tables, chest of drawers, kitchen cabinetry, etc. Sometimes, it is enough to use interior elevation. But most of the times I would like to have 3 views of the piece, and sometimes even cut, with deatiled dimensions. All of it on one sheet for every piece of furniture.
In 2D AutoCAD workflow, I am using external references to achieve this. In Revit, there is assembly functionality to achieve this. I was trying to find functionality to solve this problem in ArchiCAD, but was not successful. It seems I would have to create 3 interior elevations for every piece of custom made furniture.
Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
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kzaremba, ArchiCAD START doesn't support hotlinked modules and has also "Limited External Drawing support". From what I understand that means having other files linked into your master model. Am I understanding it wrong, are "hotlinked modules" different than what is known to CAD users as "external references"?
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Tomas wrote:
ArchiCAD START doesn't support hotlinked modules
You can just download a trial of the full version and run it in demo mode. SE is dedicated for one man jobs. Anything bigger I'd suggest going into the full version.

I went thru SE functionalities and it doesn't have:
- Publisher either - it's a critical function handle bigger sets of drawings.
- Multicore support for unlimited numbers of cores - Not sure how many SE supports but if check if you will be able to use full CPU power if you stick to SE.
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Well I would definitely like to jump into full version, but the cost is prohibitive for us. Lack of Publisher is even more important restriction. Lack of multicore CPU usage is not a dealbraker. It's a bit frustrating to see the software be able to do 95% of what we need, but the last 5% is only available in the full version.
I am now gathering information before we test the trial version. Thank you all for giving information, this thread has been helpful.
Eduardo Rolon
Just to make you aware that you can "buy/rent" the full version by month you don't need to buy the hole package.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

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Tomas wrote:
95% of what we need, but the last 5% is only available in the full version.
This is why it's cheaper. Its main customer is solo practitioners. As far as I know, the price range is always better compared to others. Renting is always a solution.

You have to consider also an efficiency boost..