The project I am working on is in DD phase therefore there is no Construction Docs information I can yet insert to objects and use in schedules. For now, the Element ID (that we usually use as identifier for specific millwork or equipment items is set to be MW-xx and EQ-xx). We need though to name (full name) the elements we use. What I was trying to do is use a separate parameter (instead of changing the MW-xx to read "Millwork") such as Manufacturer and fill in there the names I want to show on Design Development drawings phase.
Using the Text Label with Autotext (that pulls out Manufacturer) works in most of the cases but not for all objects - although that parameter shows in Classification & Categories it is not showing in the autotext.
Is there a way I can add more IFC parameters to the autotext? Or is there another parameter that I can use (other than Element ID) an use it with Label Autotext?
Please note I am using Archicad 21 for this project and the object I'm trying to label is Copier21.
Thank you,