we've done something similar with a "Details" file which houses every relevant detail we use. from details we draw once & use it multiple times such as fire hose reel cabinet enclosures, to parts of details we copy/paste & may well be different from one project to another -- ie. door/window profile extrusions
with the one-time drawn details we have them saved in the View Map as independent details, place them on the layout book (cropped as needed). anytime i need this FHR cabinet detail, i simply copy the placed drawing from the layout book, & paste it into the current project file layout. if i'm positively sure that this detail will never change, i break the link in the drawing manager. the good thing with this is that if i do an "Update All Drawings" in the current project, this stops the unwanted launching of the Details file just to update the detail drawing that never changes.
i'm unsure as to why you're having issues with the external link drawings. but i typically don't have 'actively' linked drawings to the Details file. if i have a detail in there that needs to be different for this particular project, i copy the entire detail drawing, paste it in the current project, then amend as required. any active link detail drawing (either auto or manual update) is dangerous in my opinion. it will affect all other projects that are linked to that detail if you make any changes & you may not want that.
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