Jay wrote:
why is it always talking to me . . .
You're near the terminal phase...when you start talking in Hungarian to
I don't know the answer to your question but here are two clues. 'Cut plane Marker' is what the LLR palette calls section markers because it's too cool to call them by the same name as everyone else.
Me: I'm missing a section marker.
It: mi hív ?ket vág sík darabjelz?
Me: OK, it's really hot.
The other clue. Markers aren't in the regular AC lib, they're in the ArchiCADResourcesLib. In 10, on the Mac, this 'framework' is in ArchiCAD 10 / Support. (And AC won't run if it's removed, so I couldn't exactly reproduce the issue.) I don't know how it is on windows, but the point is that if low-level markers are missing, it's not a library problem, it's likely a problem with the installation. I would try a prefs trash and/or a reinstall.