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About Archicad's documenting tools, views, model filtering, layouts, publishing, etc.

Schedules, Object Categories, Classifications, and Properties


Hi All - Im quite new to Archicad after working in Revit for the past few years. I've created this plumbing schedule: 

Screen Shot 2021-12-02 at 3.23.54 PM.png


The issue I'm having is that while I'm able to fill some of the properties on these objects, youll notice the Finish and Model parameters are dashed out.


The majority of these objects are downloaded from BimObject. The one I *was* able to fill - that has 'Test' text - was an object I brought in, exploded, and resaved. I was able to get this working by creating a Plumbing classification and properties via the Classification manager: Screen Shot 2021-12-02 at 3.32.21 PM.png 

Screen Shot 2021-12-02 at 3.42.22 PM.png


But other objects with these properties filled out, don't seem to change on the schedule:


Screen Shot 2021-12-02 at 3.43.34 PM.png


How do I go about adding properties to objects that I can then edit in the schedule? I tried adding a variety of IFC properties but none of them were available/editable via the schedule.


I'm sure part of my issue is not understanding how to properly add parameters to objects so any help in the right direction is appreciated. Thanks


Any properties you create need to be available to the classification that the object is set too (in the properties manager), and the element needs to have a classification to have access to any properties (in the element settings).


Furthermore when editing in schedules some objects may not be editable due to being on a locked or hidden layer, save a view of the schedule with all relevant layers on and unlocked.


Hopefully it's one of these two issues you're facing.

AC 24 5004 AUS
iMac OSX (10.13.6) 4.2ghz i7
8gb ram/8gb vram

Thanks for the response @JaseBee -


Furthermore when editing in schedules some objects may not be editable due to being on a locked or hidden layer, save a view of the schedule with all relevant layers on and unlocked.

My schedule has all layers on and unlocked.

Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 10.31.02 AM.png


Any properties you create need to be available to the classification that the object is set too (in the properties manager), and the element needs to have a classification to have access to any properties (in the element settings).

Not positive if I'm following you here. 


Here's the classification manager with the Plumbing classification and properties available:

Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 10.25.48 AM.png

Properties manager showing, for example, the Finish property: 

Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 10.26.19 AM.png


I have the object's classification set to Plumbing: 

Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 10.24.43 AM.png


Here's the schedule's Scheme settings:

Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 10.33.34 AM.png


And the resulting schedule for said object with none of the properties reflecting in the schedule: 

Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 10.25.05 AM.png


Hmmmm, That all looks like it should be working... not sure what's gone wrong.


To troubleshoot I would be double checking the renovation settings (the schedules filter out things on hidden renovation layers) and trying to identify if the elements you're expecting to be in the schedule are in there (the test object "id#" doesn't seem to be appearing in the resulting schedules screenshot). Are the elements currently listed in the schedule set to "plumbing" classification?

AC 24 5004 AUS
iMac OSX (10.13.6) 4.2ghz i7
8gb ram/8gb vram