I love using graphic overrides for making simplified model views. The two most common I like to do involve making diagrams which change the surface of all model elements in a layer or renovation status to be a different color. This allows one to show the phasing of a building in very simple ways without getting into changing all of the colors of all of the elements, or showing new vs existing vs demo visually and quickly.
The issue I run into is with surfaces which I want to display as transparent, but are part of objects which contain some solid and some transparent elements - Mainly windows and doors.
What I would like to be able to do is have a window / door show the frame, trim and anything opaque as the override surface style, but maintain transparent elements. This can be done if they are separate elements, but not if they are part of an object which contains geometry with different surface attributes.
Please see attached screenshot which shows new construction - the doors in front are how I would like them to display, but I have to explode them into morphs in order for the rule to kick in. otherwise my window walls reads as solid (the wall behind) rather than the transparent I'm hoping for.