Dear friends of ARCHICAD and GDL,
I have modded the "Pen and Colors" object (contained in the german/austrian libary) so the object can also display the pen description and the thickness of pens in a graphic table. As there is no way to get the description and the thickness directly, I export the pen-set configuration as a list (csv/txt) out from attribute manager and import the values using DATA I/O in the gdl-object. So far everything works as it should...
BUT: in german language we have special characters like ä, ö, ü, ß...
ARCHICAD export the pen-set configuration encoded in UTF-8, but the DATA I/O gdl-addon reads the txt-files as encoded in ANSI (Windows 1252). So when the imported values are displayed with "funny" characters in the object instead of Äs, Üs, Ös...
At the moment I do a character encoding convertion using 'notepad++', but this is not useable for 'my users' (architects not developer
Is there a chance to define the character encoding the DATA I/O addon should use interpreting the list (txt/csv)?
Or is it possible to define the encoding for the exported txt-file in the attribute manager?
...or do you know another way to come to a right character display in the object?
I hope you can help me to solve this issue - and perhaps someone from GRAPHISOFT also reads this post and in the future ARCHICAD will use the same character encoding for read/write or import/export txt/ascii files...
thank you for your help,
best regards from vienna,
Yours, Klaus