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About building parametric objects with GDL.

GDL editor AC27 far from being usable

SInce 27 release I only played around with new GDL editor in 27, and did not put to the "production"...yet with new project i just tried...and it is far from being satisfactory. The lagging makes it impossible to use.

The lagging is not visible while editing one object, however such situation is kind of "non - existent" while doing somewhat "professionally" more complicated library. So starting from 2 opened objects the lagging starts, making new object while having the other 2 pure waiting until something happens, having inaccessible script windows. Selecting takes ages. Switching between opened objects impossibly slow. I hope someone will review this implementation soon. in 27 with trying to use the "old" copy-paste methods with the "real" Code or Sublime (I use both - for different tasks) is a nightmare due to lagging.


oh - i see now: "verschlimmbessert" is the exact word - sorry to correct you! 😎

AC5.5-AC27EduAut, PC-Win10, MacbookAirM1, MacbookM1Max, Win-I7+Nvidia



"else" (and similar keywords typically at end of line) will be fixed in AC28. "del 2" is still a problem, the easiest fix would be to accept suggestions only with the tab key, not enter.


The list of subroutines, macro calls, and special comments (surrounded with lines ! ===...) are available with the keyword shortcut ctrl-shift-g. These can be listed either in source code order (the default), or by category by adding : to the search field




Péter Baksa
Software Engineer, Library as a Platform
Graphisoft SE, Budapest

It seems that Graphisoft has gone the way of so many other text editors by making autocorrect and suggestions for input the default setting. However, unlike Microsoft Office any my phone keyboard, there doesn't seem to be an option to turn it off. As I said in my original reply, I've been scripting in GDL for over 20 years and know (most of) what I need to write. The changes that have been made to the interface might make it more appealing to a novice who has never written a script and doesn't want to wade through the GDL manual, but they are extremely intrusive to an experienced user.


Can I suggest that Graphisoft include an option to turn off all the command suggestions and autocorrect? Having the ability to right click and insert the correct syntax for a command would save looking that up in the manual every time, but when that pops up all the time, it is very intrusive, and the autocorrect is actually counter-productive.

Davor P

Besides the slow performance on larger scripts, the main issue I have noticed is with placing the cursor inside of a selection. To reproduce - make a selection, few lines of code for example, then try to click within the selection to place the caret. Nothing happens, at least in my case. I can click and place caret outside of the selection without any issues and that's what I have to do first then go back and click where I actually wanted to type.
Another one is that adding multiple cursors doesn't let me do anything. I can place them and they are visible but if I type, nothing happens.

BIM4BIM - by BIM managers for BIM managers |

Would you know if Graphisoft fixed "THEN" autocorrecting to  "TREAD_THICKNESS" in AC28?

I find it strange that some of the most commonly used commands keep defaulting into something you rarely ever use.

"if...then...else" is the issue in all GDL syntax implementation either in SublimeText or in MS Code. It tries to kick in the whole 3 parts even if the else is typed in. But both in Code and Sublime, but in Sublime when the whole comand is typed in "ESC" kills the syntax helper, in Code if the comannd is typed full there is no altareation of what is typed... but changing else... to elipse is a "tip of a year" 😉

Sorry for not having time to do more testing with sleeper tool, a pile of work on my head.

My biggest problem is the slowness, and not passing the search between the scripts in the same file. The slowness is the syntax parser, so maybe a switch to "plain text" switch would do the trick, it would also be a workaround of the funny syntax "helps"

In my case it helped to set the scale factor to 100%. Thanks.


I'm using three Samsung at 2560x1440.


I posted this bug to the team and they are looking for a solution. Keep your fingers crossed.

haha... I cannot test it (100% scaling) since my resolution is UHD on 17` laptop screen...

seems to be another scaling "un-implementation" as with the properties formulas  😞


I just look AC28 and it is much worse. Scripting is so slow that is almost impossible. Just scrolling is at least 5 times slower.


The last finding: 2 copies od AC 28, in one of them 2 library parts open:

(nothing special - MVO globals for doors and windows - trying to find out a way to align the library that based on the old MVO with the newe MVO settings - so library was usable in older versions and 28)

And those 2 files are succesfully kiling the computer and making it a "helicopter" (100% processor usage) - the implementation of this open source variant of MS Code is unfortunately not good.

I wish there was a switch to either kill all bells and wistles...or a switch to the old editor. I do complicated edits outside AC & copy paste - and that seems not to change due to uselessness of the new editor. Now even the small and easy edits are impossible in bigger files.