11:25 AM
- last edited on
01:15 PM
Doreena Deng
SInce 27 release I only played around with new GDL editor in 27, and did not put to the "production"...yet with new project i just tried...and it is far from being satisfactory. The lagging makes it impossible to use.
The lagging is not visible while editing one object, however such situation is kind of "non - existent" while doing somewhat "professionally" more complicated library. So starting from 2 opened objects the lagging starts, making new object while having the other 2 open...is pure waiting until something happens, having inaccessible script windows. Selecting takes ages. Switching between opened objects impossibly slow. I hope someone will review this implementation soon. in 27 with trying to use the "old" copy-paste methods with the "real" Code or Sublime (I use both - for different tasks) is a nightmare due to lagging.
2024-09-24 04:44 AM
I am not 100% sure on this, but I believe these new GDL features are controlled by some additional programming language (JSON?) and these files seem to be in the User profile (hidden AppData) in a folder called 'Monaco' (on a Windows machine anyway).
I just tried deleting that folder, and restated Archicad, then opened a GDL object.
To begin with it seemed just a plain editor, but then it re-built and all the new features came back.
And in the user folder there was now a new 'Monaco' folder.
So it is obviously automatically being re-built, but from where I don't know.
Maybe if we can figure out how to turn it off, we can go back to just a plain editor.
I really wish we could be given the option to use these new features or not.
I had a quick look in the Registry, but nothing stood out.
2024-09-24 05:43 PM
The "fun" part is that every opened script (not gsm but script - correct me if I am wrong) produces another process CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.
Now having opened 5 scripts (still playing around with alignment of the library using the old MVO with the new one and ability to work on demand): window(base script), skylight(base script), mvo for skylights, and the mvo alignment files for windows and skylights... and surprise surprise the no of the processes is: around 50.
and one of them is taking 5-10% of the processor time in the background - it is probably the "active" script window.
So it seems AC is opening a browser edition of Monaco (I call it open source version of VScode - which it actually ~is~ : Monaco Editor (microsoft.github.io)) for every single script window...it cannot be fast...
Anyway I wish there was a switch to have the old editor until the implementation of Monaco or whatever is mature enough for "production"...now it's like the "test on production", which never pays.
On the production the developer never has opened one file only...with one GSM file opened (unless big fbx import for example) it is ok when starting editing - then it starts to be sluggish...in the worst sense.
On the contrary having open big scripts of Velux library in my old environment for development in version 22 (stable as a rock) does not even start the vents in my computer. I was planning to upgrade this sandbox for never versions...and everyone has/had some glitches 23 or 24 has the crash on reuse of 3d obejcts preview - so since I have some libraries maintained on those - I have to remember to always close the 3d preview... 26 is probably ok as the last with the old editor. 27 I hate for GDL editing...and 28 likewise 😞
3 weeks ago
Is there any news on this? I noticed today that the Autocomplete is disabled in both my installations of AC27 en AC28? Can't seem to find an answer here on through Google. Don't see a switch of some kind to turn this back on (I actually liked it as it helps a lot when I am teaching GDL...)
3 weeks ago
It is a DISASTER in preformance. Untill the "real update" we need an option to disable this "feature". Barry have found the Monaco folder, which can be deleted, but is rebuild anyway. Monaco is open source "version" of MS Code...playing with it online does not make such pain experience as the GDL editor...so the implementation in AC is bad. Works only with 1 (spelling ONE) opened simple object, when more complicated or more of them open it becomes unusable!
for now I use AC 26 max for editing GDL (funny it is slightly slower in 26 than in lower versions, but usable in contrary to DISASTROUS MONACO implementation)
I got used to use copy paste to Sublime/Code to do real editing, with still the final touch in AC - all is better than Monaco in AC!
a week ago
I am also finding it slow generally but my more powerful desktop (compared to a lesser powerful laptop I have) makes a big difference and workable. Although I would like to see the speed improved across the board my main issue is when saving the code so I can then see then switch to plan or 3d view to see results, this is painfully slow even when i have limited libraries loaded.