About building parametric objects with GDL.

Questioning about manuals ?

Nader Belal
Where is the place that I can propose the editing for manuals ?

For instance, right now, when revising COOR, COOR{2}, COOR{3} GDL commands, there was no mentioning that the these take effect after defining a specific body.
A good friend of mine have once told me that I´m so brute that I´m capable of creating a GDL script capable of creating GDLs.
Nader Belal
Hi Graphisoft,

Based on How to make a MEP Equipment object? and I quote the first paragraph:
The MEP Add-On functions can be accessed through the MEP_m_ConnectionsACL_4 macro object.

It happens that we as users can't find this macro, neither in the Graphisoft Installation folder, nor in the MEP Library ... just as vdentello have pointed out in his thread, MEP CONNECTION WON'T ACTUALLY CONNECT

The surprise it becomes available if you open the Dryer library part and search for it in the scripts.
A good friend of mine have once told me that I´m so brute that I´m capable of creating a GDL script capable of creating GDLs.
Moonlight wrote:
Hi Graphisoft,

Based on How to make a MEP Equipment object? and I quote the first paragraph:
The MEP Add-On functions can be accessed through the MEP_m_ConnectionsACL_4 macro object.

It happens that we as users can't find this macro, neither in the Graphisoft Installation folder, nor in the MEP Library ... just as vdentello have pointed out in his thread, MEP CONNECTION WON'T ACTUALLY CONNECT

The surprise it becomes available if you open the Dryer library part and search for it in the scripts.
The answer to this one is Right here:
Complementing what @moonlight said, consider mentioning a few things more clearly on the topic, like the subtype issue that i had with the object or even that if you want a "45 Degree" connection for example you'll need to use 2 Vectors for direction with values of 0.707107 for it to work, otherwise it'll distort the connection.
Archicad User Since 2013
GDL Developer
Experimenting with API
from Brazil
Nader Belal

Thank you ... and I invite you to read this thread as this one was made to ask Graphisoft to improve their manuals.
A good friend of mine have once told me that I´m so brute that I´m capable of creating a GDL script capable of creating GDLs.
Peter Baksa
Moonlight wrote:

For this post issue, it's going to be adding a side/marginal note about Parameter Arrays - Parameter Script - graphical user interface - & n = APPLICATION_QUERY ("parameter_script", "firstoccasion_in_progress", isFirstRun)

The note:

- When working with inter-related parameter arrays that are exposed (or shown in) in the UI that may be updated by adding an index outside the predefined bounds, it is expected that some (or all) the arrays that needs to add a column (or row) may not take effect even when the script is correct.

For those issues, copy the parts of script that updates the parameter arrays to the Master Script.
Hi, could you write a more detailed example about what the code was trying to do when the update wasn't effective?
Péter Baksa
Software Engineer, Library
Graphisoft SE, Budapest
Nader Belal
Hi Peter,

Thank you for replying, right now I don't have an example, but when I get one I will mention you
A good friend of mine have once told me that I´m so brute that I´m capable of creating a GDL script capable of creating GDLs.
Nader Belal
Hi there,

There is a note that I believe that Graphisoft should include for the VALUES function

VALUES will not accept a unique negative value for parameter assignment/initiation. Negative values used in VALUES function must exist within a multiple selection of possible values or with in a range of values, whether all values were negative values or not.
such as in the following example

For those cases use PARAMETERS function
A good friend of mine have once told me that I´m so brute that I´m capable of creating a GDL script capable of creating GDLs.
Peter Baksa
This sounds like a bug, values doesn't accept the first value to have a negative operator. Please use this as a workaround:
v = -1
values "p" v, -2 ...
values "p" 1 * (-1), -2 ....
Péter Baksa
Software Engineer, Library
Graphisoft SE, Budapest
Peter wrote:
This sounds like a bug, values doesn't accept the first value to have a negative operator.
This bug is there since the dawn of Archicad... At least I've found references to that for version 9 already

BTW: the following is much easier on the eyes:
values "p" 0-1, -2 ....
Lucas Becker | AC 27 on Mac | Graphisoft Insider Panelist | Author of Runxel's Archicad Wiki | Editor at SelfGDL | Developer of the GDL plugin for Sublime Text | My List of AC shortcomings & bugs | I Will Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again |

POSIWID – The Purpose Of a System Is What It Does /// «Furthermore, I consider that Carth... yearly releases must be destroyed»
Nader Belal
@Peter Baksa @ruxel

I didn't expect that at all, thank you all for you suggestions ...

but i don't think this is to be a bug in the pure sense of the definition cause the VALUES function can work perfect with it's first/only option is a negative value in the following form

values "Param", -1
the comma had made it work

@Peter Baksa

On the other side i found a real bug with VALUES function in the following case
 values "Param", -1, 
if you used the "Check Script" in the GDL editror, the editor will not find the last comma as a violation of GDL's grammer.
A good friend of mine have once told me that I´m so brute that I´m capable of creating a GDL script capable of creating GDLs.
Nader Belal
Hi Graphisoft,

I have been revising the TUBE function definition and help, where it explain with a special emphasis about the V-axis with the following quotes
TUBE n, m, mask,
u1, w1, s1,
un, wn, sn,
x1, y1, z1, angle1,
xm, ym, zm, anglem


V axis: approximates the tangent of the generator curve at the corresponding point.

As you will see in the manual, although the V-axis is explained, we don't know where to put it in the Tube function or what's its implication on the results we may get
A good friend of mine have once told me that I´m so brute that I´m capable of creating a GDL script capable of creating GDLs.