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2D window gets deactivated when editing mesh or window

This appears to be a weird bug: when I try to edit a mesh or a window within a wall, the 2D window becomes inactive and the 3D window active. The toolboxes disappear, too. I can activate the mesh, but as soon as I try to edit a node or an edge, this phenomenon happens. I have to close the 3D window using the command [window][close window] from the top menu to enable editing in the 2D window. Clicking on the red "close" button doesn't help, I have to use the command.

I'm using a current MacPro with 2x27" Thunderbolt displays, 32 GB RAM, 3.5 GHz 6-core Xeon E5, MAcOS 10.9.4 and ArchiCAD 18 4020