There is an issue in ArchiCAD that has been persistent in the last 5 or more versions, that is when you change the display order of anything, it could be a simple square fill, a zone or a 3D element, there is an inordinate time delay in performing the operation. I have keyboard shortcuts set up for the display order operations:
Bring to Front Home
Bring Forward PageUp
Send Backward PageDown
Send to Back End
And when I want to use any of them I get the busy cursor (pizza of death, we call it) for approx. 10-20 seconds. So if you want to move the display order of an element up three levels, that's a minute of just staring at the screen. I've actually replied to an email in the time it takes to move a fill one level. This adds up to hours of lost time over the course of a project. It used to be virtually instant.
Current platform is Retina iMac 5K 2017 4.2 GHz i7, 24 GB RAM, Radeon Pro 580 8 GB, operating system macOS Mojave 10.14.5 and ArchiCAD 22 Build 6001 UKI FULL, but this bug has been around for years, and on multiple platforms with different work environments.
Is there a known fix for this issue? I've tried quite a few things. If there's not a fix, can this be added to the wishlist for a AC22/23 bug fix or the build of AC24?