Hi. I’m new to this but not new to software install/testing and support.
Maybe I haven’t looked hard enough but I was disappointed when i could not find any basic telephone support for this product. or a link to a support email address.
Anyhow I have received my Archicad 11 book, CD and hardware lock in the post today and wanted to start my work. I have however been unable to get past the splash screen of the software because it kicks up a protection key not found error. I can see no FAQ for this error.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the driver dongle driver from windows DM and even gone as far as trying a different USB port
Any help here would be very welcome
Windows XP SP2
VIA USB chipset
The USB dongle is correctly detected and installed in the DM
The software was installed correctly and the hardware lock install was selected. The USB dongle was installed at the correct part of the Archicad 11 install process