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Quick Layers

HOW do I get the Quick Layers Palette to remain open after closing/reopening AC 10? Redefining my Palette Preferences has no effect.

Its ability to stay open seems to change from version to version.
Design loving, technology geek. USA
Archicad (v25) - MacOS (14.2) - MacbookPro (M1Pro)
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
The palettes are not as consistent as users would wish.

Profile Manager, Library Loading Report, Mark-up tools, Quick Layers, Element Information, and Selections don't dock.

Applying them to your palette scheme makes no difference, but you can assign a keyboard shortcut to them.

Not applicable
I would just like to say that we , in our office, have been having this same problem- since I am the one that answers all questions- I was feeling pretty stupid cause this one I could not, and it seemed so silly.

So too bad they don't dock- but, good for me that it isn't just me

Good Advice on the shortcut.
DataChris wrote:
HOW do I get the Quick Layers Palette to remain open after closing/reopening AC 10? Redefining my Palette Preferences has no effect.
as link said, the work environment was only 80% implemented.

the show palette on a shortcut key is good. but if you prefer them on screen all the time and in a place where you always know for them, you can make a quicklayers (or whatever) toolbar. they DO get saved and remembered with your WE . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Andy Thomson
DataChris, do you use a mac or PC? Which AC version?
Andy Thomson, M.Arch, OAA, MRAIC
Thomson Architecture, Inc.
Instructor/Lecturer, Toronto Metropolitan University Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science
AC26/iMacPro/MPB Silicon M2Pro
Not applicable
DataChris wrote:
HOW do I get the Quick Layers Palette to remain open after closing/reopening AC 10? Redefining my Palette Preferences has no effect.

Its ability to stay open seems to change from version to version.
disappointing that this was not fixed in AC11 - makes me feel real good about basically having the price double for AC (with the annual "upgrade" cycle) and still have basic features like this left unfinished. i would hope graphisoft will consider fully addressing bugs in future maintenance releases releases before asking folks to pony up again. while there were certainly some worthwhile additions to the program i've got a really big problem feeling like either the cost just doubled, or the development effort was halved.

on a brighter note thanks for the keyboard shortcut suggestion, that certainly helps keep me from cursing under my breath while sorting through the pallet menu.

reading through this before posting i realize my rant is a little out of proportion to the issue, but i'm going to throw it up anyway since i'm really starting to feel taken advantage of by the new pricing structure / upgrade cycle.

My fix was to add the Quick Layers to my toolbar across the top of the screen. Not the individual commands... it's one button that when clicked the different options drop down from it. I did the same with the Display Order and Align commands
Tom Waltz