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Installation & update
About program installation and update, hardware, operating systems, setup, etc.

Some Elements Won't Display

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There is a drafter in my group who was working on an older machine. Whenever he signed into a certain project, ArchiCAD would act strangely. He would open a building section and everything would appear fine. Then he would open another section and all of the annotation and dimensions would be gone. Actually, it wasn't gone, it just wasn't displaying. If we opened the same file on another computer it all showed up fine.

I played with his computer for a while trying to figure it out. I checked the layer settings and display options. I tried rebuilding. I upgraded his video driver and even started playing with the hardware acceleration settings. Nothing worked.

Yesterday, he finally got a new machine. It's brand-new with every conceivable update on it. The only thing that is the same is his monitor. I installed ArchiCAD 8.1 and applied the R1 patch and it STILL won't display the dimensions and annotation correctly. This is the only machine/drawing/user in the company that this is happening to.

What have I missed?
Jay wrote:
Yesterday, he finally got a new machine. It's brand-new with every conceivable update on it. The only thing that is the same is his monitor. I installed ArchiCAD 8.1 and applied the R1 patch and it STILL won't display the dimensions and annotation correctly. This is the only machine/drawing/user in the company that this is happening to.

What have I missed?
The monitor?

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Not applicable
Djordje wrote:
The monitor?
I was thinking about that too, but we did some more experimentation and it has started showing up on other machines -- including mine (different monitor). So now I tend to think it's a problem with the file, but I still don't know what could cause certain elements to just not show up.

BTW, the elevation dimensions usually show up, but the linear dimensions rarely do. So there's an example of the same type of element reacting differently within the same elevation drawing. Very strange.

Still searching...