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Wibu Key Policy

My Wibu key has suddenly gone bad. It has caused me a day of not being able to work in Archicad and miss a deadline. Add to that the process of uninstalling and reinstalling Archicad. I am hoping that Graphisoft will abandon this archaic form of software protection.

An idea I had was to have Archicad check every three days or so through the internet to re-register the software protection automticaly and silently. This way you could take your notebook pc to Starbucks without fear of the wibu getting bumped or someone snatching it. Besides it is just plain ugly to see it sticking out of your computer - especially a new iMac G5!

Come on guys this is 1980's style protection! It is a real achilles heal and one negative for chosing archicad. There is always the posibility that you will be a day or two out of work even with Fed-ex shipping! Can we hope for change?


archicad 26.0 US, M2 Macbook Air
Not applicable
This is an archaic form of software protection.

However, may I suggest a little insurance policy for your hardware key. In addition to the permanent hardware key, I also have a pay-per-use key which I use as a backup key.

I think they cost around $500 for 300 hours or so, and while not cheap, it can save you when up against a deadline. I haven't had to use mine yet, but in the rare event that I did need to keep running Archicad when my main key fails, at least I can continue to generate revenue while the main key is being replaced.

I would think that Archicad could come out with a 100 hour key at a significantly reduced price which could be used as a backup.

Not applicable

I would think that Archicad could come out with a 100 hour key at a significantly reduced price which could be used as a backup.
In the US there is a 100 hour key for substantially less. Call your ArchiCAD reseller.

This is appalling that any architect would have to do this after spending thousands of dollars in the first place.

It is important that us users force Graphisoft to get with 21st century technology!

I would love to hear a response from GS!

archicad 26.0 US, M2 Macbook Air
Karl Ottenstein
archislave wrote:
Come on guys this is 1980's style protection!
Actually, there was no USB in the 1980's. 😉

I'm quite content with the USB WIBU key as it lets me work on any machine and 'carry' my license with me. Checking via the internet only works when there's a connection of course ... I would expect many more complaints if that were the protection method.

I can see your concern though! A friend accidentally stepped on his while climbing on his desk to open a window and the key got bent. Still works though.

Yours is the first complaint I've heard in the years I've been on ac-talk, so this doesn't appear to be an issue with most users. I would imagine that your reseller could overnight ship a replacement key to you?

One of the forum moderators
AC 27 USA and earlier   •   macOS Ventura 13.6.9, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Not applicable
Karl wrote:
I'm quite content with the USB WIBU key as it lets me work on any machine and 'carry' my license with me. Checking via the internet only works when there's a connection of course ... I would expect many more complaints if that were the protection method.

I can see your concern though! A friend accidentally stepped on his while climbing on his desk to open a window and the key got bent.
When 'XP' came out with the 'online authorisation' there were a *lot* of concerns about whether it would work (or not). I haven't heard many scare stories, nor have we had any problems ourselves, yet.

I too am concerned about the 'apparently fragile' dongle sticking out the side of my laptop. Maybe I should try the 'foot test' too to alleviate my worries?

Whilst I can appreciate that GS want a 'secure' way of maintaining software, is a dongle the only way to attempt this? Here in Turkey the two-CD pack for Archicad is less than 5$ (with a photocopied sleeve), if you want to go the unlicensed route.

Is licensing the 'online confirmation' really so expensive? I could imagine there being a case for alternative methods of protecting the software - consultants, for example, would certainly prefer a dongle solution.

My tuppence - Stuart
Online verification is clearly a valid option here in the twenty first century. I would offer a usb key to those who may not have internet access. For the rest of us - allow online verificaton once a week or so. Include an option for silent background checking for broadband users.

Like StuartJames wrote - if you really want to cheat you already can. The benefits of being legal and having support from you reseller are what really makes it worth buying Archicad legally.

Autodesk already does this with Revit.

archicad 26.0 US, M2 Macbook Air
Aussie John
As someone who has had my computer stolen in the past, I dont like the dongle method. In the end the computer came back to me but of course the dongle had been seen as worthless ( which it was to the burglers) and had been binned.

Also I travel with work a lot meaning I have to carry my dongle with me, further risking not only loss but accidently leaving it behind. If I lose it I am stuffed. Why should I have to insure something that should be necessary to begin with. As it is we have to flash the dongle via the internet. Surely there is a better way

It also takes up a USB port.

Imagine the ludicrous situation if all software required a dongle.
Cheers John
John Hyland : ARINA :
User ver 4 to 12 - Jumped to v22 - so many options and settings!!!
OSX 10.15.6 [Catalina] : Archicad 22 : 15" MacBook Pro 2019
Not applicable
Aussie wrote:
Imagine the ludicrous situation if all software required a dongle.
I 'only' have 3 USB ports on my laptop.

- floppy drive
- tablet (or mouse)
- dongle
- camera
- memory stick
... are amonst the most common things I plug in. Although I could buy myself a USB hub this isn't an 'attractive' accessory for a laptop!

C'mon Balasz - where are you?!

- Stuart
Aussie wrote:
Imagine the ludicrous situation if all software required a dongle.
No need to ...

Once upon a time, I understood what the software boxes are used for. In this case, to support a chain of LPT dongles protruding from a single LPT port. At one time, 8 of them ...

Can't do that with a USB 😉

The dongle might be a curse, but it is also a blessing. I personally don't want to depend on any remote licensing online thingy. If the machine works, and the dongle is here, the software works. Period. All else is speculation.

IMHO, of course ...

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen