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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

Installation & update
About program installation and update, hardware, operating systems, setup, etc.

student version of 8.1 on Mac OS X (10.3)

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I teach archiCAD here at the university in Portsmouth and I have just upgraded my machine to Panther. ArchiCAD has been a bit odd and our reseller told me that I will have to wait til ArchiCAD 9 until I can get it to work with Panther. He said that Graphisoft are unlikely to update 8.1 to student version at all! Is this really the case? I really do hope not. Does anyone have any info as to any possible release for OS 10.3 - student version.

I hope Graphisoft get themselves in gear because it is a constant battle to keep ArchiCAD here in the school. Other people would prefer we dumped it all together.. I hope this doesn't make it the nail in the coffin as it were...


And just to keep the conversation on this topic going, what is the battle with? What would your colleagues prefer over ArchiCAD? Why? Is it a better teaching product or is the support just that much better?

If it is any consolation, we have similar problems in British Columbia....
Dwight Atkinson
Not applicable
well I currently use Vectorworks at work but prefer archiCAD for modelling.

We are trying to get the students to visualise projects in their mind and on the computer in 3D. We have found that ArchiCAD suits us well for this purpose but doesn't seem to get the students drawing 2D particularly well.

My personal opinion is that AC is not as easy for 2D and lacks basic icon based tools for rotate etc and relies on menus and shortcuts too heavily.

Anyway back on topic.. any ideas on the state of play with AC 81. for os 10.3?
Our university version is still 8.0 r2/v2... and I still have to install the network-dongle, so haven't had a chance to boot the EDU-version (it didn't recognise my commercial dongle).

Too bad that 8.1 won't be supported (if this is true). And I don't expect 9.0 anytime soon.


We use AutoCAD in the classes and I can't convince my colleagues to make the switch. The strongest arguments for AutoCAD are:
- everybody uses it
- everybody needs to know it
- you can go anywhere with it
- what is ArchiCAD? Isn't this the same as MiniCAD?
- we won't change what we have

--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
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ArchiCAD isn't the same as MiniCAD.

MiniCAD has been turned into Vectorworks a few years ago. Mainly to give it a professional name I think.

Anyone got any insight into the student issue? Is there an email address that I can moan to the powers that be?
theginjaninja wrote:
ArchiCAD isn't the same as MiniCAD.
MiniCAD has been turned into Vectorworks a few years ago. Mainly to give it a professional name I think.
I know. It was a joke (but not far from the truth) to illustrate how non-ArchiCAD-users defend the use of AutoCAD.

I've worked on MiniCAD/VectorWorks for 2,5 years.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
Not applicable
sure, but sarcasm doesn't translate over the net very well...
theginjaninja wrote:
We are trying to get the students to visualise projects in their mind and on the computer in 3D. We have found that ArchiCAD suits us well for this purpose but doesn't seem to get the students drawing 2D particularly well.

Don't get me wrong, but if you don't show them, they cannot learn. Besides, I have seen too many "ArchiCAD is for preliminary design only, you can't do construction documents in it" people running university labs. Mostly because they themselves don't use ArchiCAD for production.
My personal opinion is that AC is not as easy for 2D and lacks basic icon based tools for rotate etc and relies on menus and shortcuts too heavily.
Never used VectorWorks myself, Stefan for example is a better person to answer this. BUT - the concept of ArchiCAD has proven itself - heck, even the BIG CAD MICRO$OFT is pushing the BIM!

Whether ArchiCAD is accepted in a school of architecture or not mainly depends on the person who is responsible, and his/her academic and politics status within the school. Just IMHE.

Talk to your reseller and GSUK to get the right info. All else is speculation.

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Not applicable
I do show them correctly thanks and I have quite happily drawn fully worked up schemes in ArchiCAD. It still lacks basic drawing tools though.

I fully buy into the archiCAD single building model..

Unfortunately I am not fully responsible as I am not a full time member of staff.

So is there any chance that someone might actually be able to answer my original post?
theginjaninja wrote:
I do show them correctly thanks and I have quite happily drawn fully worked up schemes in ArchiCAD. It still lacks basic drawing tools though.
Like what? I really want to know what are you missing!

Any pertinent info will be forwarded

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen