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Associative Height Markers In Plan

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Ive developed a series of parts that by using the gavity tool gives a reference level the slab, meshes, slabs & roofs. I am however not able
to make them associative that is if a slab is raised in level the part will
not move with it.

I was hoping to ge the part to work in a similar fashion to the dimensioning tool in archicad
David Larrew
You could try making the Objects as "Label" Objects. Though I don't know if you would be able to draw the Gravity parameters from within a "Label" - I've never tried it.
David Larrew, AIA, GDLA, GSRC

Architectural Technology Specialist

a r c h i S O L U T I O N S

WIN7-10/ OSX 10.15.7

AC 5.1-25 USA
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I am a bit unclear about what you want your object to do.
Is this object used to display information in 2D like a label
or the level dimension tool ?
You say "if a slab is raised in level the part will
not move with it. " Does your part have a 3D representation ?
You seem to be saying that if a roof or a slab changes elevation
that you want to have your object move up or down in 3D to
follow the elevation of the tool element associated with it.
If so, I believe you will have to script your object as an accessory.
or in the case of roofs script it alternatively as a skylight tool object.
There are slab accessories, roof accessories, but as far as I know
there are no mesh accessories so this is a problem.
Peter Devlin
Not applicable
Sorry Peter i could have explained myself better

the tool reads the the toplevel of the slab say 2572mm above ground level & prints this figure + the brick coursing height that 2572mm represents (30c)

if the slab is lifted 2c to 2743mm above ground level i was hoping to get the part to reflect these changes
Not applicable
Doesn't the level dimension tool do what you want.
If you change the elevation of a slab, a roof, or the surface of
a mesh or it's elevation, the level elevation tool reflects these changes.
Peter Devlin
Not applicable

this is exactly what i am attempting to achieve, a part like the level dimension tool were i a can take the numberic value & convert it into brick or block coursing heights as well as manipulate the figure to add a datam height to the dimension level provided

in essence i have the part working however but it is not accociative, like the level dimension tool, once i have inserted it once it picks up the height of the slab but if the slab is elevated the calculations in the part remain at its original level & i have to reinsert the part
Not applicable
Hello Damien,
The only thing I can suggest is, even if it is a 2D part,
you may have to script it as an accessory object
or maybe a label because accessory objects are associative with
with the tool elements they are designed to detect.
and change when the tool element changes,
unlike an ordinary library part.
If you look at the parameters and the scripts
of one of the accessory objects you will notice
there are specialized obligatory parameters
associated with each accessory subtype that
allows the accessory to access certain values
for the element it is designed to associate with.
Peter Devlin
Not applicable
thanks peter

unfortunately ive have never heard of an accessory object before could you give me some clarification on what they are &
where i could find one to access the script

Not applicable
Hello Damien,
In order to answer your question I need to know what
version of Archicad you are using.
BTW, it would be helpful if you would put the usual
info about platform, version, etc in your signature.
Peter Devlin
David wrote:
You could try making the Objects as "Label" Objects. Though I don't know if you would be able to draw the Gravity parameters from within a "Label" - I've never tried it.
David's right. A custom label object should do this extremely simply. It would require some GDL knowledge. If you do now know how yourself, there are a number of people out there for hire who do.
Tom Waltz