Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
2003-12-16 04:12 AM
2003-12-20 08:02 PM
2003-12-20 11:07 PM
Jeffrey wrote:
IMNSHO GS should not be scripting objects at all. They should however be marketing its products, more aggressively than they currently have been and currently are, to manufacturers of building products, furniture, etc. If GS can't see the advantages to the manufacturer (not to mention itself) in using its products, how are they going to be able to persuade them to provide their offering in a GDL library format-!? I probably have over a million dwg/dxf drawings of specific manufactured items and I've never received a single one created by Autodesk. If GS really believes in the concept they pioneered why can't they get this going? Personally I don't think they have another 20 years to ponder the future of their concept. The ArchiCAD vs Revit (whoever) issue is going to be won in the real world; whoever has the most support (Family? Libraries or GDL Libraries) will eventually move to the top of the most poplar CAD list regardless how much the program may draw into the mouth with a force produced by movement of the lips and tongue.
This remains the single most neglected area by GS if they don't do something soon another BIM type application will. The longer they sit and wait for their "big bang" marketing theory to happen they'll find themselves choking on the dust of someone else who actually believed in the solutions they have to offer.
2003-12-21 02:14 AM
Djordje wrote:The many TJ guys here can answer that one (left hand now knowing...), if they're working this week.
While Truss Joist was mentioned as NOT having GDL libraries, at the same time you have Trust Joist people here on the list spewing out wonderful GDL?!?!?! A case of the left hand not knowing what the right one is doing?
2003-12-21 04:42 AM
2003-12-21 09:51 AM
rm: David you started out fine....I know, I usually do, but then things just go off someplace screwey....
I think GDL is great, and if you produce an object that is worth buying for my projects, I WILL buy it and use it....Cool! But any object I script will be absolutely useless to you. It will reflect my design, my drafting standards and use details strictly based on the way we build things around here. The GDL I do has absolutely no mass market value whatsoever.
I could go on for weeks about .. how many architects are hacks and don't understand the principals of scale, massing, proportion, volume, or have the ability to run a viable profitable practice.......Hey! I resent that! Just because I'm totally clueless about how to run a viable profitable practice doesn't mean I'm a hack!
2003-12-22 02:36 PM
david wrote:To add more detail to my previous contribution,
I have been collaborating recently with the Architects School in Aarhus who are having a vigorous programme of working with industry to make GDL industrialised building components.
2003-12-22 02:44 PM
Jeffrey wrote:Youve made the error of saying that the GDL Alliance only helps people for more than $100,000. This could make a big misunderstanding.
GS has informed me that GDL Alliance is only interested in the "over $100,000.00 projects" even though the majority of manufacturers of products that are frequently used don't have a library large enough to warrant that size of an investment.
2003-12-22 10:45 PM
2003-12-22 11:13 PM
Jeffrey wrote:
The first question I'm asked when I consult with someone, in regards to them becoming more efficient with thier use of AC, is "what area will benefit us the most?". My reply is always the same, "learn the basics of GDL". Having read all the manuals available I recommend the Cookbook, I'm still amazed that GS has yet to include this, most valuable, book as part of its hardcopy documentation, especially now that it doesn't include the GDL manual. I have a copy of "Making Objects with AC", but have found most people find the Cookbook a little less threatening (formal) and helps them to start thinking out-of-the-box a little quicker.
2003-12-23 07:42 PM
Karl wrote:Thanks for the info, Karl. We are working this week...
The many TJ guys here can answer that one (left hand now knowing...), if they're working this week.
I don't know how TJ could be more 'up front' with making their GDL library available: Just go to www.trusjoist.com and click "downloads" ... and you get the following screen - GDL Object Library right there in black and beige.
Jeffrey wrote:I am sorry that you were unable to get the correct information about our object library from another TJ associate. The GDL development is not a company wide initiative. In fact, the object have been developed by a small research group within the TJ Residential group. Actually, there are only three of us. We have tried to educate our Company, but there are lots of initiatives and 57,000 people within Weyerhaeuser. We have created flyers for our field personnel (attached), created a press release with GS, posted the link to both AC-talk and GDL-talk, and attended numerous building shows. With all this you’re bound to find some people within our organization that don’t know about GDL and ArchiCAD.
As for my comment about TJ, it wasn't saying that they aren't available, as indeed they are, and I know exactly where to find them, but the people representing TJ products (those who we contact for information) are not aware of them and do not distribute them as readily as they do for other CAD platforms. To me I find this a serious disadvantage to GS and us, the user. If an AC user is unaware of its existence and inquires to the company (TJ etc.) and they can't identify AC and/or direct us to the library it will appear to the "powers that be" that they wasted their time and money so there isn't a need to continue offering them or recommending this format to their associates.