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Door Marker Creation

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Hi all!

I've been trying to create a new door marker, or alter an existing one, but haven't had much luck so far. Basically, I'm looking to create a door marker that shows two lines of text (I've searched the boards, and have found some, but haven't beena able to get those to work). The first line of text should be the Door ID number, or a Door Type. The second line should be separated by a line, and that number should show the Door Hardware. I'd even settle for having a second line of custom text that will show there. Can anyone help?

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where can I find the door and window markers that came with ArchiCAD? I'm trying to figure out how to get the marker to not rotate, regardless of the orientation of the door. Thought I may be able to get a hint from an existing marker.


the door markers not quite function yet the way I want. But the info on this thread is more than enough to get it to start working.
Frank Beister
Try to search in this forum for "text rotate". You will find many threads and all knowledge to solve it in your object. Analyzing existing objects will help understanding too, but you will not be able simply to transfer the code to your own script. This will mostly not fit.
bim author since 1994 | bim manager since 2018 | author of | openGDL | skewed archicad user hall of fame | author of bim-all-doors.gsm
SwissHokie wrote:

where can I find the door and window markers that came with ArchiCAD? I'm trying to figure out how to get the marker to not rotate, regardless of the orientation of the door. Thought I may be able to get a hint from an existing marker.


the door markers not quite function yet the way I want. But the info on this thread is more than enough to get it to start working.
They are buried in the Archicad Library PLA. You will need to extract it so you can access all the internal parts like that.

Open the PLA file directly (File > Open), and use the "Extract to Folder" option. This will extract the GSM file of every single object, label, and marker in the entire library, keeping its folder structure. I forget where the Markers are, but you can probably try a "Find" command through Explorer/Finder to locate them.

HINT: Look at the use of the global variable SYMB_ROTANGLE, formerly called W~
Tom Waltz
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I got it to work! Actually, at first I managed to make only the text rotate, and then I finally worked it out so that the whole symbol would rotate.

Thanks for the help!