02:15 PM
- last edited on
12:27 PM
Rubia Torres
2018-09-13 04:27 PM
rrr = REQUEST ("View_Rotangle", "", angleViewRot) totalRotate = (SYMB_ROTANGLE + angleViewRot) if totalRotate > 360 then totalRotate = totalRotate - 360and then before texblock
if not ((textAngle > 90.0001-90) and (textAngle < 270.0001-90)) then rot2 180 else rot2 0 !here should go textblock and all transformations of the coords with apriopriate del's del 1the "-90" in the angle is optional - in this case I had to have the text _always horizontal_
2018-09-13 04:45 PM
2018-09-13 04:54 PM
2018-09-13 05:09 PM
2018-09-18 01:17 PM
2018-09-18 09:25 PM