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Doors and windows need to became a complex object with modular parts (sorry for my english..)


I think it's time to have a new Windows/Doors object/tool, that will make us free, not having to search between ten/fiftheen/twenty or more objects...

It must be a modular tool: Profiles yes/no, inner part inside walls yes/no, glasses yes/no, external sill in their different kinds and localised versions yes/no, inner sill and niche under frame yes/no, only complete niche with wall lateral/upper/lower part, free modeling, how we can find in historical buildings.

Only two different objects/settings can be accepted: Masonry wall or  Wood/Iron wall. In attempting different settings...


Operating system used: Mac Intel-based 13 Ventura

Kalman Cseh

I wholeheartedly agree, the doors/windows tool need some major overhaul.

The biggest problem in our practice is that the architraves exist separate from the doors, and we can't schedule them.

There should be an option for applying a complex profile for the architrave that is part of the door and be able to schedule that profile as part of the door schedules. Currently I just apply a property for the architraves either side but this is clunky, doubles up the work and leaves room for errors. 

Whole heartedly agree.

Not used ArchiCAD doors or windows for over 20 years now, use cad image doors and windows.

Modular as suggested and fully customisable, build what you want.

Maybe one day we will see day?

Miha Nahtigal

Agree. This is one of the oldest wishes.

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