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2024-10-30 02:40 PM - edited 2024-10-30 02:45 PM
There is a duplicate object (Tolerance.gsm) when following Option 1 instructions for Archicad 28 Migration.
Operating system used: Mac Apple Silicon Sonoma 14.6.1
2024-10-31 02:52 AM
I have no idea what that object is for or what it does.
But it seems it has been added to the 'DXF-DWG In-Out' add-on.
Instead of adding a 'new' 28 object, Graphisoft seem to have added the version 27 object.
So now when we add the 28 Library (which is actually the 27 library and should be in a '27' folder not '28') we end up with the duplicate.
Maybe @Magdolna Marosvari can shed some light on this please?
Either the object in the28 add-on needs to be updated to version 28 or the one in the 27 library needs to be removed (but that won't help if any one is linking to the library from the actual 27 version).
2024-10-31 12:03 PM
Hi @Ransom Ratcliff and @Barry Kelly ,
Tolerance.gsm gives a duplicate warning in Library Manager when Archicad Library 28 (with 27 content) is loaded, because Tolerance.gsm became a built-in AC28. This is because we wanted to make sure that the DXF Add-on will be able to use the Monolith and the Global Library too. The duplication does not cause functional problems.
Best regards,
2024-10-31 12:28 PM - last edited on 2024-11-01 02:50 AM by Barry Kelly
This was discussed during the Beta and I was under the impression that they were going to remove it from the Monolith 27 LCF so that it wouldn't show the duplicate error. IMO this is not the professional answer nor it should be the accepted solution.
Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator
2024-10-31 02:51 PM
Hi @Magdolna Marosvari ,
I agree that this one "duplication does not cause functional problems," but that technicality misses a crucial point.
This exception adds confusion for users in a critical area of operating ArchiCAD because both library duplicates and missing parts are a common cause of ArchiCAD problems. This was true during my ten years in tech support, five years as a BIM Manager, seven years as a Senior BIM Consultant at GS and continues to be the underlying cause of performance and stability problems that my clients face regularly, to this day. That is why we stress a zero-tolerance policy on library warnings. As soon as a warning appears, users should fix it instead of letting it slide, or it will likely soon get far messier, with hundreds or thousands of duplicates, and much harder to clean up and untangle.
Making an exception for this one object shoots a hole in our Best Practices training and opens the door to more frustration and wasted time for our clients.
And let me add, that since Library Management is a critical part of BIM Management in any ArchiCAD firm, I think the jury is still out on whether many of us want to switch away from a monolithic library to these Library Packages because the list of loaded libraries gets so long, it becomes hard to troubleshoot and find the needle in the haystack.
Here is what the user sees now in the Library Manager:
We can't even see all 49 of them without scrolling. Much less understand which ones we need to add or remove, when there is a problem.
I'm just sayin'... 🙂
2024-11-01 02:58 AM
Deleting it from the monolith 27 library in 28 application folder will help, but not if someone has a file linking to the 27 library in the 27 application folders.
Yes - they can re-link to the 28 application folder (I still don't understand why that 27 library is in a folder that says 28 - so confusing).
Why not just save the tolerance object in the add-on as a version 28 object with a new GSID, the same as has happened for all ne 28 objects in the library packs?
In every version so far we have had a tolerance object for each version (25, 26, 27).
Why should this be any different in 28?
2024-11-07 10:28 PM
I've gone ahead and made a cleaned version of the monolithic Archicad Library 28, which I'll keep on Dropbox here.
This is a solution if you want to use the monolithic “Archicad Library 28” instead of the new myriad collection of Library Packages introduced with Archicad 28.
This library is an update to the monolithic Archicad Library 28 which has the “Tolerance 27.gsm” removed so it won’t show as a duplicate part when used in Archicad 28.
It is replaced with “Tolerance 27 DELETED.png” image file just to reduce confusion.
This part was located in the Library Container file at:
ArchiCAD 28\Archicad Library 28\Object Library 27.lcf\ADD-ON LIBRARY 27\Specialties 27\Import Objects 27\ Tolerance 27.gsm
The changed “Object Library 27.lcf” was re-saved as “Object Library 27 USA for 28.lcf”
Two Solutions:
2024-11-08 02:49 AM
Great that you have done this Ransom, thanks.
Two things I would like to clarify.
What you (and Graphisoft) call the 28 Monolith Library is actually the 27 library?
I do not know why Graphisoft insist on calling it '28' when it is the 27 library.
So it is indeed the 27 library just located in a folder called 'Archicad Library 28'
This is only the USA library?
So may not be suitable for other language users.
I am assuming that the 27 library packaged with each language version is different as it was in the past.
11:03 AM
- last edited
2 weeks ago
Laszlo Nagy
Hi @Ransom Ratcliff ,
Have you tried to arrange the library packages into folders according to your preferences? In Archicad 28 you have the liberty to arrange them the way it fits your thinking / workflow. You can keep working with them as one big whole if you like or you can arrange them into subfolders. This foldering possibility is given both for Graphisoft provided and for own content. And both the Library Manager and the Object Settings Dialog will follow the desired folder structure you create on your computer. See the attached image where I created a random arrangement. If you load your preferred folders instead of the default ones you can have a more suitable overview.
2024-11-08 04:05 PM
Hi Barry,
Yes, the monolithic Archicad Library 28 is a copy of the ArchiCAD Library 27, AFIK. (I did notice that they changed the "Archicad Library.version" file.)
This is similar to what normally happens with each new release of ArchiCAD because most of the parts are identical with only a change to the second half of their GUID (Revision ID). For those few objects that are substantially changed, affecting their function or default parameters, the first half of the GUID (Main ID) is changed. These objects, and any files that are discontinued, are put into the Migration Library for that version. But this wasn't necessary in this exercise.
In any case, the installed monolithic "Archicad Library 28" and "Archicad Library 27" won't be confused because they have different names and are located in different paths. Indeed, when ArchiCAD can't find a linked library at the path that is listed in the Library Manager, it looks in the folder next to the PLN and next to the currently running Archicad application executable, just in case it's there.
The truth is that library localization has been too little too late, every year since 1995, IMHO. But now that we have 30 years of accumulated "progress" getting USA content and default parameters that none of the other markets want or care about, I inclined to believe that these international library packs are a step backward, at least in this first version.
I'm reminded of a joke my old Hungarian friends used to tell about the early days of Graphisoft approaching the American market...
"We keep hearing about something called a "two by four". Then we saw it in an email "2x4" so we thought, of course! 😀
It is 4!
Then we found out that it was a piece of wood. 🙄
And it is neither 2 nor 4! 🤔 It's 1.5 inches x 3.5 inches. 😒 "