F. wrote:
The global settings are stored in the project file, not in the object itself! And you can't transfer the global settings e.g. by the attribute manager.
Hi Frank
Actually you can. The globals are defined in the Model View Options, and these can be imported and exported from the MVO Dialogue
If I get some time, I will try creating a few example objects. But here is a rough outline of the 3 required parts.
1. an Object with the 'Global Library Settings' sub-type. This will store the label text. This has to have an interface script to work in the MVO settings. I think two columns in an array parameter will do the trick here. One to act as the 'index' for the keynote text and one that contains the actual text. This way you can refer the label to the keynote index, and then change the actual text without losing the index. So an entry may look like this
1.1.2 Concrete as per engineers details
So you reference 1.1.2 from your label, then either get the label to show the referenced 'index' or the actual text itself "Concrete as per engineers details"
2. The label that reads in the Global settings from the MVO's. This would need to be able to read the 'index' for each keynote, then either display the index or display the text. It would also have to use 'rich text' to work well. (Not just the simple 'text2' )
3. A 'Keynote Legend' part that reads in all the global's and formats for placement in your view. It would be possible to have this legend show all the entries that have the index 1.X. or the index 2.X. It would also be possible to have a tick box in the globals that would exclude an entry from the legend - in case there are some entries that need not go through to the legend.
Its a shame I have no need for a keynote system