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Group of LW suns and sky?

I attempted to group two LW sun objects and a LW sky object. I then saved the group as a GDL-object from the plan view. THEN...I went to check the gdl-script with the intention of adding a parameter for the sun angle since the object didn't recognize the global sun setting. Could someone point me in the right direction? The best thing would be for this object to recognize the global settings of course but my gdl is like my french...pretty basic. Well actually my semi-poor french is better than my gdl...

AC 25 SWE Full

HP Zbook Fury 15,6 G8. 32 GB RAM. Nvidia RTX A3000.
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Hi Mats,

It won't be direct answer for your question but still something you might find interesting.
There is a ArchiCAD enthusiast who made some research in combining Sun an SkyObject in one easy-to-use light object. In automatic mode all you need to set is weather condition, shadow quality and intesity. It respects global sun settings as well. I use this light in some cases and it works more than fine. You can buy it for about 20 euros. Here is a link.

Hope you like it, the guy put some work in it.
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tigr: looks very interesting... mind telling me what it says

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Well, I hope Bogdan (author) wouldn't mind if I describe it a little.
It is obvious that for the best results of outside scenes you need to combine SkyObject, SunObject and some compensating lights. Mostly, you end up tweaking 3 or 4 lights to get desirable effect, so the idea was to combine those in one "SkyAndSunObject" which is more natural (one does not exist without another). He also tune up existing lights and add some 'brighten lights' which compensate darkest shadows cast by sun.
All was combined together and optimized for the best performace.
In automatic mode of "SkyAndSunObject" you just control daytime, insolation/cloudiness, shadow quality, intesity and it does the rest. You can also pick between speed (fewer lightsources - faster rendering) and quality (plenty lightsources - pseudoradiosity). Another good thing is that it can follow global sun coordinates, or custom, or camera - whatever is needed at the moment.
Like all "all-in-one" solutions it has some limitations too but in most cases it works great and saves a lot of time. This is one logical solution before we get real LW's radiosity.
tigr wrote:
Hi Mats,

It won't be direct answer for your question but still something you might find interesting.
There is a ArchiCAD enthusiast who made some research in combining Sun an SkyObject in one easy-to-use light object. In automatic mode all you need to set is weather condition, shadow quality and intesity. It respects global sun settings as well. I use this light in some cases and it works more than fine. You can buy it for about 20 euros. Here is a link.

Hope you like it, the guy put some work in it.
Thank you Pawel!
That was a really nice object!!! It's actually what I'm trying to do but I was going for a simpler object with fewer settings to give away to my customers (I sell AC so I'm not a "user" myself) in order to "de-mystify" the LW-rendering.

Yesterday I did combine sun, sky and upwards pointing sun. It works OK but I still have some problems to solve. This Polish object is one of the best objects I've seen and it's easily recommendable. If I was an working architect I would buy it a.s.a.p. Must save lots and lots of time!!
When I'm done with my humble external light object I will try an interior one....

Cheers and thanks for the link!
AC 25 SWE Full

HP Zbook Fury 15,6 G8. 32 GB RAM. Nvidia RTX A3000.
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Thanks Pawel

I'll download the object today, and mess around with it, but your brief description helps out, polish seems to be a hard language to find on website translation pages... maybe I should learn polish.. after all I am 25% polish

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I'm glad you find it useful. All crucial function are in english so eventhough the whole approach Bogdan describe on his web site is interesting, you don't need to understand it to use it.
BTW, polish is my native language but I can honestly admit it's the one of the most difficult that I know, that's why most of the translators got crazy when you stuff them with some phrases rip out of context, anyway you should get to know it - it's fun too.

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I'll add it to my already way too long list of langauges to learn, afterall I'd like to move as far as posible away from any American stereotypes... I figure, theres no better way than to move halfway around the world, and learn a couple languages


PS: the list thus far: french, spanish, japanese (only because I studied it for 4 years in secondary school, so I might as well continue it), german, italian, and now, in honour of Pawel... Polish (I'll come to you in 32 years when Im finished with the others )
Well this takes the page about halfway into English, which makes it about readable:
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aha, thanks, I tried using intertran yesterday, but I kept getting a message saying: to many translations in progress, try again later.. or somethign to that effect
