Hi! I have this error that repeated four time every time I open a project anybody know how I can fixed or wich part give this error?
"Library part was not converted properly (O82)"
"O82" is the ID of a placed object. If you have four repetitions of that warning, you have four objects with a problem. To find which objects, do Find & Select, for objects, using the ID criterion.
Once you have found the object, you can open it (File > Libraries and Objects > Open Object...) and then save, this should update the object to the current ArchiCAD version. This object will not then be usable by earlier versions, so you should keep an original version also.
For the most part, the ID does not affect any of the library part's function. Some parts, like window and doors, might use the ID for identification in plan and schedules. You can just enter any ID that suits your project and workflow. Unique IDs can be very useful when using Find & Select.