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Migrate old project

Thomas Holm
I should know better than this, but I don't. I've tried to search, and read the wiki etc, but no. Sorry - I need some advice!

I have an old project, a local small community centre, that I designed in 1994 in Archicad. I'm not sure which version. According to wikipedia it should be AC4.5. The latest archive (.pla) I have is dated May 1995 but labeled AC7 - I guess I resaved it some time in the transition to MacOSX.

A few weeks ago, the place was arsoned, and parts of it were fire-damaged to the end that they have to be rebuilt. Now they've contacted me for some change drawings, and I'm trying to bring up the model in AC11. I don't care about layouts, sections or 2D content etc but I want the model including windows and doors!

It opens (seemingly) fine in AC7. In AC9 I first had problem with the library parts which had no file extensions, but when I appended those in the AC7-version ilbrary, (.WIN .DOR .ESM .ISM .GDL .GSM etc.) it seems to open in AC9 too.

The AC9- saved file crashes AC10, both .pln and .pla versions. AC11 opens it, but no doors to be seen. Their names are there when I click on an opening, but I can't make them show regardless of MVO settings.

I guess AC11 can't read the old-type objects.

Now I'm wondering if there is a recommended procedure to convert old libraries. The objects used in the file aren't too many, so it's not overwhelming to manipulate them if I have to. It's more work to replace them since almost every object is inserted with special parameters, window mullions etc.

Is it possible just to re-append the file extensions to .gsm overall to get it AC11-compatible, or is there something else I should do, like consecutively opening and saving in AC7, 8.1, 9, 10 etc (I have all versions in working installations). If so, should I create new library folders from each .pla in each version?

Any advice appreciated!
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1
Moderator Emeritus
If it works in 7, do it in 7.

It is hardly 7, as 7 happened in 2001 i think ... ?

You will have to replace all the lib parts otherwise - and 8/8.1 was the big switch for the library parts, remember?

Collect the parameters of the missing part, setting width and height for example as the parameters. Find and select all of the same, open the setting, browse to the correct part in the 11 library, transfer the parameters to the preview picture, and most of it - at least the sizes! - will go across.

So, I would do it in 7. Stops you whining about bad new versions and good old times when you revisit the version from five years ago. Not that there is no reason for whining, though ... 😉

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Thomas Holm
Djordje wrote:
So, I would do it in 7. Stops you whining about bad new versions and good old times when you revisit the version from five years ago. Not that there is no reason for whining, though ... 😉
So, that's what I feared. Do it in 7

I had forgotten about the 8 lib part switch. But wasn't there some conversion tool - please? Anybody?

(I don't usually whine about bad new versions, although I might once in a while miss the ease and straightforwardness of 7 and pre.)

But this library management issue is the one thing I hate most about Archicad

Why can't we have Matthew Lohden's .uff (unified file format) or at least a 'live' .pla? Where every object (or other attribute) is stored the moment it's included in the project? Where the libraries are for reference and work when you insert new objects only? Where you could open any old project anytime without worry some library is missing? When?

Anyway, thanks for your advice, Djordje. I have to look facts in the eye if I'm to get something done.
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1
Rakela Raul
I know why you complain so much about the libs managmnt in AC !!
you are probably an ex-MS user
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
Thomas Holm
Rakela wrote:
you are probably an ex-MS user
As you know, Rakela, Microstation still has a few tricks up it's sleeve. As I've said elsewhere, I don't regret the switch to Archicad. but I will reserve the right to yell when I know things can be done better.

As a matter of fact, I seem to recall this requested permanent inclusion of inserted objects is a feature of Archicad's new Nemetschek sibling VectorWorks (the old MiniCad) Am I right?

BTW, vote for better library management in this poll:
AC4.1-AC26SWE; MacOS13.5.1; MP5,1+MBP16,1