2005-08-28 02:51 PM
2005-08-28 04:30 PM
IF realNumber = 6 THENWhere this could cause problems if is reaNumber is not actually 6, but is 6.0000001 or 5.9999999. Since it's a real number, that's a perfectly real possibility. Is that were the case, realNumber <> 6, even though it is so close no one could tell the difference.
2005-08-28 05:51 PM
Jaime wrote:Jaime, the question was discussed in this thread
I have tried to do some GDL editing and have encountered a script problem under the folowing message:
"Use of real types can result in precision problems at line ..."
2005-08-28 10:05 PM
Olivier wrote:OOPpss! I did not noticed that discussion!
Jaime, the question was discussed in this thread
additional info here
2005-08-29 03:00 AM
2005-08-29 08:27 AM
In fact, the more times I read these two sentences the less I understand them.So do I.
The first statement I don't understand because there are two numeric types, integer and floating point.No. I don't think it means there are two numeric types. It means: There are two types: string and numeric. And numeric is always floting point.
2005-08-29 09:17 PM
2005-08-30 02:24 AM
pen CheckPen rect2 0,0,0.5,0.5 CheckPen=Checkpen+1.7 pen CheckPen text2 0,0,CheckPenIn some cases it's very helpful, but if comparations as IF A=12 THEN ... need so horrible constructions as described in tech standards I would prefer to have a basic set of types as string, real, integer, double integer and binary.
2005-08-30 02:33 AM
Though Integer is numeric, it is clearly not a floating point becauseNo, it isn't. As I described before: The parameter list limitations are nothing else than an input mask.
you are not allowed to type decimal values in the integer field.
Therefor there are two numeric types integer and floating point.
Is this not so ?
2005-08-30 04:48 AM