Thank you very much for your question and I am very sorry about this issue!
We had a similar case before. The end result is it was a limitation on both Archicad and CodeMeter side:
The reason for this unexpected behavior is twofold:
- At startup, Archicad first looks for licenses on hardware keys, then on software keys
- CodeMeter's license lookup strategy seems somewhat speculative, in terms of that if a license request cannot be satisfied from a license server, it switches over to the next available one in a round-robin fashion
Our developers are still working closely with WIBU in order to find a common solution for this behavior. In the meantime, our only workaround is using only Software licenses or Hardware licenses if there are multiple license servers.
I am very sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you very much for your understanding! Please let me know if there is anything unclear!
Best regards,
Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer