2004-09-23 06:46 PM
2004-09-23 08:14 PM
2004-09-23 08:57 PM
Michele wrote:Within a marquee or in any case?
Is there a bug with 3D people stomach not there in render view. I'm rendering a view and no ones stomach is there.
2004-09-23 09:00 PM
2004-09-23 09:02 PM
Michele wrote:Try selection set and a saved view.
I did mine within a marquee but I'm going to need to do a marquee every time I render so for me it happens all the time.
2004-09-23 09:05 PM
2004-09-23 09:09 PM
Michele wrote:Just redefine the view. No, it is not easier to marquee it. Move the camera, use OpenGL - or create new cameras.
I change camera angles and add things or change things and then I'd have to redo the selection set right? It's just seems less time consuming to just marquee it.
2004-09-24 11:44 AM
2004-09-25 12:37 AM