Hello, I'm very new to ArchiCAD and have been going though an online tutorial get up to speed on AC23. The learning program that I'm using (Black Spectacles) is using a slightly older version of the program. For the most part everything is the same, however today I encountered an issue where what I see on the screen is different from the presentation. The course is asking us to edit geometry inside a closed wall configuration. In their view the can see through all the objects to select vertices etc. On my out-of-the-box AC23 I have rendered shapes showing as solids. No matter what I do I cannot get my view to look anything like theirs. I've played around with the views (Menu > View > 3D View Options) but none of the combinations there give me what is being shown in their demo screen. Can anyone give me an idea of that I'm missing or that the equivalent is in AC23. This seems pretty basic, and thus far I'm flying though the tutorials. (And yes I did ask Black Spectacles but us been a few days and I've had no response.) Any insight for a newbie is most appreciated. Cheers!