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AC20 slowdown when Organizer-View Editor open

Not applicable
I'm having a problem with the Organizer-View Editor. This problem was happening with a new project I started with a new work environment that I created which placed the Organizer-View Editor on a second monitor. When zooming and especially panning, no matter what view I'm in, the drawing pans very jerky and slow. As soon as I closed out the Organizer-View Editor, all was back to normal, smooth operation. So I decided to open a another new project with all default settings, template and Standard work environment, I went to the palettes menu to show the organizer. I then drew a short line on a floor plan story and tried to pan around the screen, very jerky and takes about two seconds for the screen to refresh. As soon as I close out the Organizer-View Editor, again all is back to normal. This happens in stories, sections and elevations etc.

Any idea why this is happening? Is it slowing down because the organizer is constantly updating? Is there a setting to turn updating off etc.? If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

EDIT: I found this thread below, so I guess I found the temporary answer. Docking the organizer and the navigator solves the 2d panning/lagging problem. Either close them out or dock them for now.
Thanks much