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Batch printing

Back in 9.0 With plotmaker When I selected a full job set of drawings plotmaker would print the lot unattended.
In V10 and V11 I have never been able to work out how to get this function working.
You can see in the screenshot from plotmaker the list of drawings ready to print.
In 10/11 all I have is just 1 drawing at a time, which requires me to actively select and hit print.
It doesn't seem logical that I should not be able to do this.
My printer is an Epsom 4800
Are others out there able to batch print a full job.

Regards Richard.

Richard Wilden Design. Ltd
Dunedin, New Zealand.
Imac 27" i9 3.6GHz; 32GB Ram Mac OS 11.3
Archicad V23:V24
1) Select the Layouts you want to print in the Navigator
2) Hit Print or Plot
3) Click "Print selected layouts"
Tom Waltz
Yes thats what I do, and it shows a status dialogue box saying it has printed selected drawings. Then the printer dialogue box comes up and only has i sheet at a time.
I dont print, I publish but I think thats just the same.
Richard Wilden Design. Ltd
Dunedin, New Zealand.
Imac 27" i9 3.6GHz; 32GB Ram Mac OS 11.3
Archicad V23:V24
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Hey Richard,

It sounds like it may be a problem with your Printer or Print Preview Settings. Have you changed any of the Print options within that application?

Hi Link

I dont think its a printer setting because if I go into Plotmaker and do a job print It works fine. All the drawings are listed and I can print them all.
I had another look around print settings and couldnt see anything that looked like it might help.

Richard Wilden Design. Ltd
Dunedin, New Zealand.
Imac 27" i9 3.6GHz; 32GB Ram Mac OS 11.3
Archicad V23:V24
rjwilden wrote:
I dont think its a printer setting because if I go into Plotmaker and do a job print It works fine.
hi richard . . .

i think that it must be a printer setting. graphisoft have changed the way that print jobs are handled, (i.e. where clicking 'publish' used to result in one print job, it now represents one print job per sheet). but this shouldn't affect the actual printing itself: whether they are one or multiple jobs, they should all come out of the printer.

have you got some kind of print-monitor software switched on? if so, the monitor software might need to authenticate each print job so that it can be attributed to a project/billing number? i know that this is the case with 'papercut' - but 'papercut' does have a multiple job over-ride such that you can release all current jobs in the print queue to the same project/billing number . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Ben: If it was a print setting then why when printing in plotmaker does it works fine, as per image in first message. The settings all seem to be the same in both plotmaker and V10 & V11 ???? . I am getting Aarque graphics to help here as well.Maybe they can come up with something.

Richard Wilden Design. Ltd
Dunedin, New Zealand.
Imac 27" i9 3.6GHz; 32GB Ram Mac OS 11.3
Archicad V23:V24
rjwilden wrote:
Ben: If it was a print setting then why when printing in plotmaker does it works fine, as per image in first message.
because plotmaker only generates one print job that includes all selected sheets. AC10 and 11 generate one print job per sheet.

if i understand you correctly, the first job goes through the printer fine, but it's the subsequent print jobs that get stuck? or have i completely misunderstood what you're after?

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Ill try and explain
You can see in the attached image that I have published the whole set.Yet in the printer preview down the side there is only one page listed not the 15 there should be. So I hit print and the page will print. Then another print preview page comes up and I hit print and this will print and so forth until you have printed all 15 .
Now thats OK If you haven't got anything better to do with your time.

Of coarse that not the only problem as you can see the drawing scale is all wrong in the attached image. This Page is an A2. THis happens when I select too many drawings. Some will end up looking like the screen shot.

I know that this is a Archicad problem and not a printer problem because I selected a multipage PDF and it printed correctly ie it displayed a list of drawings in the preview window not just one.
Printing 4.jpg
Richard Wilden Design. Ltd
Dunedin, New Zealand.
Imac 27" i9 3.6GHz; 32GB Ram Mac OS 11.3
Archicad V23:V24
ok. i was on the right track.

and i do still think this is a printer problem, not archicad's:

your PDF example isn't the same situation as archicad's publisher. printing a multi-page PDF is still only one print job. archicad's publisher sends each selected layout to the print queue as individual print jobs. one per layout.

also, the fact that they are getting to the printer means it's not archicad at fault. the question really is what the epson print monitor thing is doing popping up all the time . . . that is where i would lay the blame!

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup