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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Considering a switch

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Hi everyone, this is my first post in this forum.

I am considering a switch to ArchiCAD (Vr 9) from DataCAD (Vr 11). Has anyone on here used DataCAD who can help me in comparing the commands and functions of the two programs? This will help better estimate the extent of the learning curve.

Also, to the log home designers on here...who has drawn log homes A) without the Log Home Solutions add-on and B) with it? Is it worth the cost? Is it "required" to use log home design to ArchiCAD's full extent?

Any comments good or bad are greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance,

Brian Dirkson

Perfect Drafting & Design

Ps--> can I legally buy an older version of ArchiCAD (specifically vrs 6.5) from a seller (Ebay or?) and register it with Graphisoft? Not and academic version...
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Rakela wrote:
in the us i think it is around 1000 dls
....guess I will have to ask the distributor in Vancouver about the exact costs of a transfer and upgrade in Canada. I mean if it is $5000 CDN for a full version of Archicad 9, but I can upgrade a version 6.5 for $1000 (even if I pay $1000 for 6.5 and $600 for the transfer fee) then I am still far ahead of the game, basically getting the program for half price, Sounds too good to be true...being a skeptic I would have to say it is!

So I take it not many users in this forum have switched from DataCAD to ArchiCAD?
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I still have not seen any replies concerning prior DataCAD users switching.
Our firm uses DataCAD and we are considering the switch as well.
In fact, Josh from ArchiCAD just gave us an online presentation ot the product.
I like the fact that it transfers SketchUP files easily. We use SketchUP for most of our Schematic Design.
Not applicable
It is good choice to have AC.
You will not regret.
With AC you must change your usal working prosess, which leads to the way thinking as architect.
That means, you dont neet to be clever computer expert, but just stupid architect.
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How does it stack up to Revit or Vectorworks?
Archicad is in the same category as Revit. To me, they seem about equal in ability, with each one having some features the other lacks.

I think Vectorworks will be in the same league as Archicad and Revit are now in a couple years, but that's strictly theory.
Tom Waltz
Not applicable
The web site of revit is very nice, and explains very understandable (compared to graphisoft web site).
In my opinion the 3D-based working method with revit is too much.
To organise working steps is with AC much better, in my opinion.
Let me say:
AC thinks almost same as I think.
It helps very much to work with this tool.
Maybe you must take also such CAD, thinks like you.
Otherwise you will be every time very angry on the desk.
Not applicable
Tom Waltz wrote:
Really!! wow, that's a really good multiple-upgrade price.... so good it's almost incentive to skip a couple upgrade versions....
I recently upgraded my AC 6.5 to 9.0 here in Ireland for about 1000 euros + vat. And this includes AC 10 as well when it comes.
Rakela wrote:

I'm curious: You list Constructor as one of the products you sell. I have yet to hear anything about that in the real world (outside of the GS website) and there does not seem to be a user forum for it.

If you are allowed to say, have you sold any? What has the response been like to it?
Tom Waltz
Rakela Raul
have you sold any?
tom, i only sell our company services: A/E/C . I copied that info from
my reseller 3dcadco website....but when i have a chance i will ask him.
But i do convert people into ac though, which it could be considered a sell as well
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
Rakela wrote:
have you sold any?
tom, i only sell our company services: A/E/C . I copied that info from
my reseller 3dcadco website....but when i have a chance i will ask him.
But i do convert people into ac though, which it could be considered a sell as well
Wow.... for some reason I had it in my head that you were a reseller. Sorry about that!
Tom Waltz