That is fairly easy to do, but in Archicad, you'll need to make real 3D.
Study Solid Element Operation
Complex Profile
I'm having a hard time understanding how you'd make that exact panel with plain blocks [and not be beaten to death by masons when you ask for tilted mortar across the section to twist the blocks into conformance].
1: You can use plain blocks in an empty door opening. Throw in a fake thin panel to show as mortar. Basic Cube 13 can be sized and tilted to be a concrete block.
2: Staggered CMU can be made with the Complex Profile. You would orient and stagger an array of these upward to completely cover the opening - use the BEAM tool to apply the complex profile - we will trim it down later.
Do a Solid Element Operation [SUBTRACT] using a SLAB to create the wall opening.
Place the assembled, staggered complex profiles into the opening.
Do another SEO with the SLAB as operator and the complex profiles as target [intersection]. This trims the profiles to size.
Dwight Atkinson