2005-05-06 07:34 AM
2005-05-06 08:27 AM
2005-05-06 09:36 AM
~/archiben wrote:You can manually send the stuff to front - right click on anything, in the context menu choose Send to ... Also, you can restore the default order.
this probably doesn't help your cause, but he's a link to the archiGUIDE article concerning the built-in (uneditable i'm afraid) display order index . . .
2005-05-06 09:41 AM
2005-05-06 07:43 PM
See there are 14 stack levels, but everything has a default class within each level. Classes have the following priority, which is how they are ordered by default when you first place them:This is good to know - however... the need remains for newly drawn items to show up on top of old ones that are on the same stack level. I have just been dealing with a job where I have to bring every new dimension I draw to the front because they are appearing BELOW my walls (so I can't see the tick marks). I must have brought the walls forward at some point, but the "class 1" dimensions still go below the walls. Since they have been drawn more recently, they should appear on TOP, even if they happen to be on the same stack level.
1 Annotation (Text, Labels, all Dimension types, Zone Stamps)
2 2D artwork (Lines, Circles, Splines, Hotspots)
3 Library Parts (Objects, Lamps, Stairs)
4 3D structures (Walls, Beams, Slabs, Doors, Windows, Columns, Roofs, Meshes)
5 2D polygons (Fills, Zone Polygons)
6 Figures
In your first image your column is on top of your lines. Since your lines belong to Class 2 and your column belongs to Class 4, these lines should by default show on top of the column. So you either brought your column forward or sent your lines back.
2005-05-06 08:46 PM
2005-05-06 10:46 PM
2005-05-07 12:32 AM