Hi there! I have a question and I can't find the solution anywhere so I hope someone can help me. I had this pdf file that i wanted to turn to .pln so i exported it in illustrator to .dwg and opened it in my archicad 17. the problem with vectorizing the pdf file is that it assumes every element as a single element. For example, in the case of dashed lines they became a lot of polylines instead of a single dashed line. And that is my problem because i have to erase all of the dashed lines of the project and there is no way i will delete them one by one since they are thousands. I tried find & select but there is no criteria for the size of the polyline since it is the only thing that differentiates from the other lines. Any idea to help me on this? is it possible to create a new criteria? i have to deliver the work on thursday so i'm somehow in a rush.
André Pipa