Hi Braza
I completely agree!
Basically a company having their products integrated into AC is a very clever marketing tool for them.
And that is our main business model. We are working with manufacturers to build parametric objects of their products. Which they (& us) distribute to end users. Which in turn means more of their products are specified and bought, increasing their bottom line. It is simple, obvious and effective! a win-win.
We have already done this with a few companies and it has worked beautifully.
However the problem is most manufacturers aren't really aware of AC or GDL?
We go in show them how this will increase their sales blah blah (that is all they are interested in)
Then their so called "smart management", decided not to go with it, but will still blow $15,000 on a rubbish TV advertising campaign!!! which doesn't really produce any results and they can't measure it!
Anyway that's our problem to solve.
We are working on this, however in order to get more companies on board we are having to promote GDL (isn't that Graphisoft's job? maybe i should also be buying some shares in the company?

We are getting there, but it is a slow process. The annoying part is that lots of companies are happily integrating their products into Revit. Which may have something to do with Autodesk being such a giant. Even though ArchiCAD is far bigger in my country.
We are going to be adding another part to our site, where people can suggest GDL objects which are needed. This will Hopefully put pressure on companies to get their products into ArchiCAD.
However in the mean time the only way to get some objects will be to buy them from sites like ours or others.
eg. We wanted an Aeron chair object, Herman & Miller didn't want to pay us to build one. So the only way, was to build it & sell it from our site. ?
So until more companies wake up and realize that they should be supporting ArchiCAD, a lot of objects will not be able to be free.
Heck, if we could get $1 a month from a few thousand ArchiCAD users, we would happily let everyone use all of our library objects and it would grow a lot faster.
It's all quite interesting really. AC has been around for so long, yet most manufacturers have no idea about it. (at least in my experience).
I think the best way to actually start the ball rolling is this:
Next time a sales rep comes to your office with their dxf & dwgs. Just say NO we need parametric GDL objects & .mod files!
On a different note, Cadimage's Door & window builder is great. It should be made a standard part of ArchiCAD.