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Importing 3DS into archicad 15

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I have a 3d model in 3ds format. it was originally created in Sketchup.
When i open it in other 3d programs like cinema, i can select the individual parts but when i import the model into archicad, archicad automatically converts it to a single OBJECT solid.

How can I import this into archicad and be able to select and control the diferent 3d blocks ???

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ok i have the original sketchup file.
and a also have the google earth and sketyhup installed on my archiad 15.
but again when it imports, its coming in as one single object.

i think im doing some thing wrong ?
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ok i actually found an option to break all elements into single objects in sketchup, so did that and saved out again as sketchup file.
clicked open and opened it in archicad.
i got the same big monster object with no other controls.

sos help me......
Eduardo Rolon
You will have to export from SU by pieces. Select the first group that you need and export it, using export selected option in SU if I remember correctly.

AC does not recognize individual elements like other 3D Programs, it creates one object based on one file.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

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thanks a lot for the help !

i think there are so many things archicad cannot do ??
how does a business like this, think it will servive in the future......
This used to be possible withthe old sketchup add-on ( sadly discontinued from ac12 )...you could make the object(s) you want to be independant(s) as a componant(s) in sketchup and so they came as independant one(s) in ArchiCAD. ( you could even convert surfaces into walls , slabs...etc)

the actualgoogle earth plugin will import skp but as a signle object no matter if you've created componants in Sketchup or not.

As for the time being, I think you should divide you sketchup file into "files" depending on what you want...for instance a file for the buildings another one for the terrain an so on...etc then import them using the google earth add-on.
AC12_27 |Win11_64bit|
Eduardo Rolon
pixpast wrote:

i think there are so many things archicad cannot do ??
how does a business like this, think it will servive in the future......
What is it that it cannot do?
Compared to what?

There is a lot that AC can do, it might be different or not obvious or you might not know how to do it.

There is a lot the AC cannot do also.

You need to use the correct tool for the particular project.
If you choose a screwdriver to hammer a nail please do not blame the it if it does not do the job properly.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

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dont get me wrong, you can do things very clean and fast with archicad.
but where i am only presented with this as my complete creativity tool from my bosses, it is understandable that i loose a little sense of hope sometimes.

for example trying to bash a working sketchup file into archicad, doesnt work really and it took me a few hours to find out that truth.

i would love to catch the sneeky weasel that wroth this archicad advert page, saying sketchup and archicad were like perfect brothers working together.... thats total bull s........
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this part is just a bloody joke ????
why do they have this crap on their site ?

Through its add-on, this mature and globally popular solution ensures a seamless data transfer from concept surfaces and colors into intelligent architectural objects and materials. In Archicad the user will find walls, slabs and other intelligent elements, just the way they had been created in SketchUp from the outset
Eduardo Rolon
I agree on that one since it is not clear on that page that the add-on is discontinued since the release of AC13 and it only somehow works for AC12 to AC9.


Have you tried the one for 15?


Sorry if I sounded too harsh on my previous post.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator