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Layer Combo's don't change when section marker is opened?

see attached.

...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
In summary, when I open the section markers in a plan view.....the section views which open up to SHOULD contain their appropriate "layer combinations" so that all information in a SECTION LAYER COMBO is viewable.

Seems that when I open up ANY section marker or elevation marker, the current layer combination, whether that be "custom" or the plan layer combo seems to stick.

Now..why would the section markers, when activated and opened, NOT retain a "SECTION" layer combo? I understand that layer combo's are assigned to views, not the MODEL environment but....still...if you open a SHOULD logically open with a SECTION LAYER combo......shouldn't it or am i missing something here? Is that too stupid of a logic pattern to follow?
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
Not applicable
Rob that's the intended behavior. The layers, scale, model view options are all as per displayed until you select otherwise.
This is why the navigator is by far the best way to get around your project.
This allows you to have multiple setups applied to one section or elevation.
With our residential stuff we have a single elevation and marker per view but it covers us for client concept sketches, advertising, working drawings and more!
humm....ok. I think I understand.
I'm just used to going from view to view "IN" the model environment and not having to go back to the viewmap or the sheet simply to go from one story to another or to go from a "plan" to a selected (open section) lets say.....I'm fully on board with the whole "THE VIEWMAP CONTROLS how a section or elevation is seen or displayed".....but I'm sometimes in a plan, click on a section, then click "open selected section" and I have to go back and switch my layer combo to "SECTION" cause, well, the layer combo stayed put in whatever drawing plan, section, elevation, whatever area of the model I was in at that moment in time.

I know...I get it, VIEWMAPS rule the display. I get it. I get you can make different folders with the same section marker and one display as a section with shadows and the same section marker display as a construction documentation drawing..yes, get it. I guess I just have to re-hardwire the way I'm going from drawing to drawing within the database itself is all.

it'd simply be more logical (to me anyway) that if I were in plan and I had a certain layer combo activated...that when I click a "section marker" or "elevation marker" that the next graphics I entered into had an either "section" or "elevation" layer combo. Dunno...maybe it's just stupid need to know that if you are in plan, why even have a "section" quick options layer combo ability...they should all be "plan" layer's late, it's almost the end of the week and I aint thinkin straight.........
Kristian wrote:
Rob that's the intended behavior. The layers, scale, model view options are all as per displayed until you select otherwise.
This is why the navigator is by far the best way to get around your project.
This allows you to have multiple setups applied to one section or elevation.
With our residential stuff we have a single elevation and marker per view but it covers us for client concept sketches, advertising, working drawings and more!
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
Another observation I have Kristian is that by having "ONE" let's say elevation or section marker point to folders of the viewmap that are configured to display in different ways....then your "VIEWMAP" navigation list would need to be micro-managed to the T!...if not the views and where they are located would get wildly out of control.

I've been using Archicad now for over 9 years and that's the one that that took me a long time to understand. that even though you are in the "MODEL" doesn't affect ANY of the ViEWMAP display I was in the model environment and was jumping around from SECTION to PLAN to elevation thinking I was setting parameters on sheets until someone explained to me that it's in the VIEWMAP where you drag views onto sheets...NOT from the model tab....I got it then...but from time to time that concept escapes me and I have to go back and say to myself...."YES" the viewmap is where you need to go to.

I just find it cumbersome to have to go to a, let's say, sheet layout, then click on the view, then click open, when you can easily go to it from a MODEL environment...granted...I understand, the model environment layers, model view options, dimensions, etc...will NEVER be set. it' sint he VIEWMAPS where those qualities are set until changed in that folder structure.
Kristian wrote:
Rob that's the intended behavior. The layers, scale, model view options are all as per displayed until you select otherwise.
This is why the navigator is by far the best way to get around your project.
This allows you to have multiple setups applied to one section or elevation.
With our residential stuff we have a single elevation and marker per view but it covers us for client concept sketches, advertising, working drawings and more!
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
Not applicable
Yeah it is a bit of a habit change to get it happening smoothly and to be honest
when I'm purely checking model elements, I use the select, right click, open section method too.
But, you have to get in the view map swing of things mate!
Our resi template is setup so completely that the draftees only need to use the navigator once they have moved and edited the sections, elevations, etc.
Thank you for your commentary.....hey, been meaning to ask...what's the equivalent of "Mate" (guys) in Australia for (ladies)?....I've always wanted to end my comments with a "Mate" to a lady from down under but...err...a lady is not a MATE....she's a, well...she's a "SHELA" to quote Micky Dundee.
Kristian wrote:
Yeah it is a bit of a habit change to get it happening smoothly and to be honest
when I'm purely checking model elements, I use the select, right click, open section method too.
But, you have to get in the view map swing of things mate!
Our resi template is setup so completely that the draftees only need to use the navigator once they have moved and edited the sections, elevations, etc.
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
Not applicable
Haaa ha haaa haaa haaa This is a cause of some debate actually!
I'm of the thought that ladies are mates too so I give everyone mate.
Others here think its only for 'blokes'!
Sheila is acceptable dependent on your distance from capital cities! haa ha ha haaaa
Not to get off subject in the good ole' U.S. of A! (I truly do love my country)...the girls, young ones in particular, my kids highschool each other "DUDE"....Dunno but a young lady shouldn't be callin' another young lady "DUDE"....just aint right. A Dudes a Dude and Gal's a gal.....that's it.
So when I hear my sons girlfriends call each of their girlfriends "DUDE''s kind unnatural....but, it's the times we live in these days.
Kristian wrote:
Haaa ha haaa haaa haaa This is a cause of some debate actually!
I'm of the thought that ladies are mates too so I give everyone mate.
Others here think its only for 'blokes'!
Sheila is acceptable dependent on your distance from capital cities! haa ha ha haaaa
...Bobby Hollywood live from...
Edgewater, FL!
Archicad 22, Archicad 23
Windows7 -OS, MAC Maverick OS
Laszlo Nagy
Community Admin
Community Admin
Just to get back to topic a bit:

This is how the program is coded:
Section/Elevation etc. Markers link to items in the Project Map. Items in the Project Map are called Viewpoints.
Section/Elevation etc. Markers do not link to items in the View Map. Items in the View Map are called Views.
So these Markers link to Viewpoints, not Views.

As you know, when an item in the Project Map (a Viewpoint) is activated, View settings do not change because Viewpoints do not store View Settings.
To work as you would like it to, there Section etc. Markers would have to be linked to View Map items - Views - (which store View settings and restore them when activated). And Layer Settings are one of the several settings store in Views.

However, in that case you would have the specify which saved Section View the given Section Marker should be linked to. You may have several Views saved of a Section (DD phase, CD phase, Architectural, Structural, etc.), it would have to point to one of them.
So if a Section Marker pointed to saved View, it would work only as long as it displayed the saved View you wanted to work in at the time. If you wanted to work in another View of that Section, you would again have to change the setting of which View the Marker is linked to.
So I think either way, there would be cases that are not covered and you just have to activate a saved View to get what you want.

The way I use this is I activate Section etc. Viewpoints by right-clicking the Section Marker and selecting that command from the context menu only if I do not mind if the View settings all stay the same. If it is not what I want, I do not use this method, but instead go to the View Map and activate the desired View.
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