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No FBX in Archicad 26

Having downloaded Archicad 26 today, my first order of business was to see if they’ve included FBX export from the 3D window.




Everyone, I’m at a loss for words. Imagine a word processing app not being able to save PDF, or an image editing program not being able to save JPG!


FBX is the industry standard for 3D model exchange and asset creation, and our $5K software with a $900 yearly price tag to remain current can’t save an industry standard format… SketchUp can… Revit can… Archicad falls short!


What are our options? A petition? An en masse open letter to major software publications highlighting this glaring omission?

Graphisoft has stopped responding to any forum post regarding FBX, and obviously from its lack of FBX exportability in Archicad 26, Graphisoft has ignored our repeated requests!


But guess what Archicad can export?

  1. Electric Image (last release in 2013)
  2. Piranesi (last release in 2007)
  3. Wavefront (acquired by Autodesk in 2008)
  4. Collada (last release in 2008)
  5. VRML (last code update in 1997)


They offer us these antiquated and outdated formats, yet no FBX! What do we do next?


Graphisoft, you’re on the clock here. We need a response and we need it now.

Rex Maximilian, Honolulu, USA - www.rexmaximilian.com
ArchiCAD 27 (user since 3.4, 1991)
16" MacBook Pro; M1 Max (2021), 32GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, 32-Core GPU
Apple Vision Pro w/ BIMx
Creator of the Maximilian ArchiCAD Template System

@Minh Nguyen Please understand this topic is "not" about Twinmotion. It is about FBX, and why Graphisoft doesn't provide this export option, even if on their own. Please don't pass the buck to Epic, as it's Graphisoft's responsibility to provide modern exportability with its $5000 software (and near $900 yearly fee).

FBX is the standard format for exchange amongst 3D visualization products... this is in general for post-modeling-rendering apps, AR apps (which ask for FBX files), and very importantly, the digital asset market. We are in an age where the metaverse is progressing at a fast rate. The most common format for assets is FBX. You're closing off an entire industry to Archicad users. I've had clients (game developers) ask for assets in FBX, and one client wanting to build a virtual meeting complex which needs to be available in a "common" format.

This is not something you can say is any other software company's responsibility. Graphisoft is bleeding its small client user base dry with its yearly fees and providing updates like 24 and 26 with next to NO new features, unless you purchase an additional service like BIMcloud.

So instead of asking us why we want FBX, which has been explained ad nauseam already, trust that we users in the trenches know what we need.

And we deserve to know why GS is opposed to FBX exportation and what the road map for the future is.

@Huw as the person where the buck stops, can you give personal attention to this. We've been asking for this for over a year with no explanations or vision from GS.

Thank you.

Rex Maximilian, Honolulu, USA - www.rexmaximilian.com
ArchiCAD 27 (user since 3.4, 1991)
16" MacBook Pro; M1 Max (2021), 32GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, 32-Core GPU
Apple Vision Pro w/ BIMx
Creator of the Maximilian ArchiCAD Template System

New Archicad 26 Build 3010 on August 4. No changes here. Still does not have any universal method for saving 3D exchange file formats. No FBX...

But Thank God we can still save Electric Image!! Whew!

Rex Maximilian, Honolulu, USA - www.rexmaximilian.com
ArchiCAD 27 (user since 3.4, 1991)
16" MacBook Pro; M1 Max (2021), 32GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, 32-Core GPU
Apple Vision Pro w/ BIMx
Creator of the Maximilian ArchiCAD Template System

I am not sure Graphisoft will have enough time to develop the current version so that users can be able to "save as" the FBX extension. I guess such a development will require a special agreement between Graphisoft and Autodesk first and then an appropriate programming. 

Martin Luther Jules
AC 10-28 (Full)
Asus | 64 GB RAM | Windows 11

Well, they have had over a year when we first discussed it ad nauseam here, and they did nothing. They also have saved DWG for decades. I mean, if SketchUp can save FBX, what with their measly freeware/small subscription model, Graphisoft can certainly afford it--especially with their exorbitant $900/year subscription fee. They're developing S & MEP features for select large firms and we smaller architects and designers are paying for it.

However, we have no idea because GS won't give us any reason. They've passed the buck by deflecting it to Epic/Twinmotion.

Rex Maximilian, Honolulu, USA - www.rexmaximilian.com
ArchiCAD 27 (user since 3.4, 1991)
16" MacBook Pro; M1 Max (2021), 32GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, 32-Core GPU
Apple Vision Pro w/ BIMx
Creator of the Maximilian ArchiCAD Template System

I've been using Archicad since "Archicad 13" and the best ever updates were when Abvent made FBX exports for import to the then TWINMOTION developer company. which I was also reseller/Support for Norway. I would like to say that if FBX exporter does not return, I will find a new design program, and quit Archicad. - it is about adapting to the future sharing and use of 3D rooms in METAVERSE. - today I have to save down from 25 to 24, and work with the complications this entails (missing objects, textures, etc.) - what happens when I use AC26? Save down to AC25, then save down to AC24 - it will take me a day's work to export to FBX. - Can't Graphisoft create an FBX exporter independent of EPIC ??


Just today I received my annual "reminder" email from SketchUp of my pending subscription renewal... the one I have SOLELY for saving out to FBX. I have to save to SKP from Archicad, then to FBX from SketchUp.

All this while Graphisoft raised their subscription rate the year, for not only lack of FBX export, but also for little else.

Thanks for TWO extra charges this year Graphisoft!

Rex Maximilian, Honolulu, USA - www.rexmaximilian.com
ArchiCAD 27 (user since 3.4, 1991)
16" MacBook Pro; M1 Max (2021), 32GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, 32-Core GPU
Apple Vision Pro w/ BIMx
Creator of the Maximilian ArchiCAD Template System

Today I received a newsletter from Graphisoft Norway about how important it is for architects to follow the class lesson regarding METAVERSE. - FBX is the solution, so where is the moral?

I suggest that they release the source code of Archicad to FBX exporter, so that we users can build the code further. what do you think about possibly manually entering such an addon.


They cannot since the FBX exporter was made by Twinmotion/Epic not GS.

Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

i know, but the source code will be of no value to anyone if it is not in use "proprietary Archicad" - I thought we gathered someone in the forum who might know about EPIC and how best to communicate with the right person in EPIC to ask the question of open the source code, or if perhaps it is already open.

@VDCnordic the best & direct contact with Epic on Twinmotion is to post your request & questions about the add-on is on their forum https://twinmotionhelp.epicgames.com/s/discussions

I received prompt replies on previous posts.


Francois Swanepoel
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