About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Plot Maker disappearing objects

Not applicable
I have a problem with Plot Maker, some elements of my project
disappear when I import floor plan in to layout. I discovered that
elements that were not made on default layer are missing. In my
project I had some walls on layer I made and its name was “Walls Inter”.
Can somebody explain to me why this happens? And if it is possible
how to make plot maker not to miss elements that are made on
layers that are not default.

Krzysztof Meldner
Not applicable
You must first make sure that your layer combination has the layers included that you wish displayed in plotmaker (be sure and UPDATE the combination!). Then redefine the view in the quickviews pallet to have the proper layer combination, scale, display combination and dimension settings that you wish used when imported to plotmaker.